Chapter 342: Peace After the Labyrinth

Começar do início

"Hey, Grey... You really do love me, don't you?" [Yuna]

"What kind of question is that... Would I have proposed to you if I didn't?" [Grey]

"Th-That's right, isn't it?" [Yuna]

The young lady self-destructed from her own question, the two now red as can be, silence looming over the room as the atmosphere turned pink. They were now both shy and timid, returning to their meals and drinks after experiencing embarrassment.

Time passed by, and after having a delicious meal, Grey and Yuna prepared for the day. They had their long-awaited hot baths, and also had a proper lunch, complete with all sorts of dishes made by the castle's best chefs.

It was a peaceful day, not a single monster to be seen nor any white ruins. There was only a beautiful garden outside, and some wonderful views of the Capital to admire from the balcony, air fresh as can be,

If there were any changes, it was that there were now floating spirits popping up here and there. They are more dispersed than they were in the Labyrinth, but they really were present, many floating towards them as they went about their day.

"So other people really can't see them, huh..." [Yuna]

And throughout their observation, they noticed that not a single person can see the spirits. Unlike Yuna who can see them now after their presence has become more established, the other people still can't see them.

They were bobbing up and down along the maids, and were floating around by the training grounds yet the people of the castle continued on their day as if there was nothing unusual. They were completely invisible and intangible to them,

"Yeah, I was thinking about that just now as well... I wonder what the conditions to see them are..." [Grey]

"Hm? Does it have something to do with strength? Maybe those at higher ranks are the only ones capable of seeing them." [Yuna]

"I highly doubt that... Not even High-Rankers noticed them. Though, it would sound reasonable if only Transcendents can notice them." [Grey]

"I see... But that would make us look crazy, won't it?" [Yuna]

There was no doubt about it. The moment they start talking to spirits in public, people would treat them no different from crazy people. They already have so many things going for them, and they don't want more to add to the list.

"Haah... If only we could ask God..." [Grey]

"But we'll have to clear another Labyrinth for that." [Yuna]

"I know... Haah... How troublesome..." [Grey]

It was a bummer but there was nothing they could do about it, and it's not like they could do anything by complaining. All they could do is wait for another chance and learn more from God the moment they meet again,

Well, there was also a method of finding out while experimenting. With the nature of their jobs, they have already experimented countless times and this case was not any different. All they need is some time and motivation.

"Oh?" [Yuna]

And just as they gave up on the thought, a familiar figure suddenly walked out of the corridors, her scarlet hair flowing gently in the air like water. She was more beautiful than the roses and tulips around her, her blue eyes matching the sky.

Unlike her usual attire, she now looked like a proper princess, draped in exquisite clothing and wearing delicate jewelries around her neck and her wrists. Her trusty sword was not with her, her expression gloomy as can be.

YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia (2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora