(13) Devil I know - Allie X

Start from the beginning

"Well, if you ever get curious about your dad, just asked." Satoru chuckled as he stood up, "I think you might find it interesting. Now, let's get down to business."

"What do you want to do?" Kyojuro spoke, "Do you want to go to the Zenin family?"

"What'll happen to Tsumiki?" Megumi asked, obviously caring a lot about his sister, "If we go there, will Tsumiki be happy? My answer depends on that."

"No." Kyojuro stated bluntly with wide eyes, not joking at all, "There's absolutely no way. I guarantee that."

Even Kyojuro himself asked if he ever want to be in the Gojo family or be with his real family.

What if Kyojuro never forgotten his memories?

That was the whole reason for where he is now.

Megumi glared daggers at the Gojo siblings as Satoru chuckled under his breath.

"Well, he did join us I'll take of you while Ani here will take care of Tsumiki since she's not gonna be a shaman," Satoru ruffed Megumi's hair, "Don't worry about Ani. He'll not let anything harm your sister."   

Just like Satoru himself.

Kyojuro carried Tsumiki stuff in a black bag as the two walked into a small apartment which the two would be living in from now.

Since Tsumiki was going to be train as a shaman, it was best to keep her away from jujutsu high and live in an apartment with Kyojuro, whom reluctantly agreed to the idea.

Tsumiki smiled brightly as she walked into the apartment as Kyojuro took of his sunglasses and settle down.

"This is amazing!" Tsumiki twired around the apartment as Kyojuro watched her and unpack her things.

"Good for you." Kyojuro said with no emotion in his voice, "I'll order dinner."

After 20 minutes, the deliveryman came and Kyojuro and Tsumiki settle down on the dinning table.

"Kyojuro, you'll send me to school tomorrow, right?" Tsumiki asked with a smile.

"Yes." Kyojuro pause and look at Tsumiki weirdly, "How do you keep on smiling all day? Doesn't it hurt your jaw?"

"Do you even smile?" Tsumiki laughed a bit at Kyojuro.

"Rarely." Kyojuro averted Tsumiki eyes and look at his food.

"Can I see it?" Tsumiki asked, still smiling, "Bet it'll look nice."


"Why not?" Tsumiki whined, "It's kinda rude to speak to people with an emotionless face and no feelings at all. Don't you ever care about others?"

"Tsumiki," Kyojuro sighed, "Emotion equals weakness. Don't be too naïve."

"No it doesn't." Tsumiki scoffed as she daringly face Kyojuro, "It shows that I'm human. I'm pretty sure you care about others other than Satoru." Tsumiki pointed out.

At this point, no one knows who the adult here.

"Trust and cooperation have always been the hallmarks of relationships." Kyojuro retaliated, "What's so great about being yourself when you can become like everyone else?"

"It shows who we are." Tsumiki smiled at Kyojuro.

"It also leads a crack for others to slip in." Kyojuro retorted back, "Never let your true face out."

"What about you?" Tsumiki challenged, "What's your true face?"

Kyojuro scoffed, turing around then looking back at Tsumiki, "Close your eyes."

Tsumiki did what she was asked to.

A few seconds later, Kyojuro asked her to open her eyes and she did, only to be seeing one half of Kyojuro's face to be skin peeling and like a skeleton but with some skin on.

"There." Kyojuro stated.

Honestly, he doesn't care about what Tsumiki was thinking or whether his face frightens her.

"Cool!" Tsumiki exclaimed as she lean closer to Kyojuro for a better look.   

Kyojuro eyes widen. No one like to see someones true face yet Tsumiki was fine with him.

A twinge of happiness aroused Kyojuro heart as he scoffed, letting out a small smile on his face.

Kyojuro was barely compliment in his life, thus something like what Tsumiki said meant quite much to him.

Kyojuro didn't even know if Satoru will accept his true face.

"You thing so?" Kyojuro smiled widely. Surprising, smiling didn't hurt Kyojuro anymore.

"Yeah! That's so cool!" Tsumiki smiled widely too, "And you're smiling too!"

"I guess so." 

Lucifer chuckled at Kyojuro whom was sitting on the couch in the living room. Tsumiki was already asleep, letting Lucifer to sneak in.

"I can't believe a human was able to make you that much!" Lucifer laughed harder as Kyojuro look at him annoyed.

"I'll be living with her from now on so it's best I get use to it." Kyojuro stated.

"You know," Lucifer stopped laughing and face Kyojuro, "Maybe regaining your memory isn't so bad after all."   

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