Part 5 Chapter 25

Start from the beginning

"That's right, Your Majesty, now we are dispatching more ships, so even though they have an advantage in quality, we can still beat them in sheer number." said Alde.

"Is there no movement of troops from other countries to help the kingdom of Altarus? For example, from the Kingdom of Fenn." Emperor Ludius asked.

"We did not find any movement of military assets from countries that have security and diplomatic agreements with the Myto Empire and the kingdom of Altarus. Therefore, we can confirm that only the Principality of Qua Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila will provide assistance to the kingdom of Altarus." the intelligence officer replied.

"That's good then. It seems that they still feel shy about the strength of our country. But immediately order our diplomats in those countries to issue a warning against them interfering in our country's affairs with the Altarus and Myto Empires." Emperor Ludius said

"Yes, sire. We immediately ordered our diplomats in these countries to carry out your majesty's orders." Kyos said.

"How are our preparations for arming the auxiliary warship?" asked Emperor Ludius.

"Report king. We have successfully completed armament upgrades for 189 ships, and we are in the process of upgrading another 166 ships. We estimate that we can arm 500 ships in one month. That strength should be enough to replace ships destroyed in the past battle and possible casualties in later engagements. "We hope to begin replacing those ships with modern warships within a year." replies Alde.

"Good, it seems preparations are almost complete. We might be able to launch raids on other countries on the Philades continent. I hope that after taking over the kingdom of Altarus, we can take control of the Kingdom of Fenn as planned while enduring the attacks from the Myto Empire, and at the end of the year I order to start attacking the Myto Empire. After that, no one can stand against us taking over the continents of Philades and Rodenius as the first step to taking over the world. Hahahahahaha." Emperor Ludius said.

After continuing the conversation for some time to discuss troop readiness, Emperor Ludius then walked towards the podium in the field to give an impassioned speech to all the assembled troops and crews. Through that fiery speech, Emperor Ludius managed to boost their morale, so confidence in the troops about to be dispatched was extremely high.The speech was also relayed through manacomm to various places where troops and ships would depart for the kingdom of Altarus.

After the completion of the troop discharge ceremony, all troops and crew members went straight to their respective ships, and within a few hours they started sailing towards the rendezvous point. They waited for ships departing from other places there and departed together towards the kingdom of Altarus. On the way to the kingdom of Altarus, the ships of the Palpadia Empire have divided themselves into three parts according to a predetermined strategy.




Two days later
In the middle of the sea between the capital Esthirant and the capital Le Brias
Rendezveus point
Palpadia's F Class Battleship, Dios Flagship of Main Naval Force of Operation 'Thunder 2'.

After a day of waiting, warships from the Palpadia Empire that had departed from ports outside of Esthirant's capital began to arrive at the rendezvous point. They are still waiting for at least one more day until all the ships that will depart for the Altarus kingdom can gather at the rendezvous point.

Admiral Arkaon the leader of the operation 'Thunder 2' is studying sea charts near the capital of the kingdom of Altarus, Le Brias. Arkaon thinks about the weather conditions, which are predicted to be very good for the past 2 weeks. The weather was actually a double-edged sword, whereby they could sail safely, but so did the enemy, and what was worse, the enemy was also able to easily find their fleet. Even though they actually came to conquer the enemy's fleet, if their fleet was found and the enemy was willing to attack, that was a desirable thing. But if the opposite happens, then they can circle around chasing the enemy fleet and wasting their energy and time, while they can be supported by their forces on the mainland. Not to mention that if that happened, it would mess up the attack's timetable.
Because of that concern, Admiral Arkaon wanted them to immediately leave for the kingdom of Altarus. This was done to save time so that there would be more time if they had to chase the enemy fleet.

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