Elena Valadis x Male Reader

Start from the beginning

Elena:A plumber you say?Wouldnt you know it,same as my dad.

Y/N:Really?What a coincedence.

Elena:And its a lot more exciting than you think.When I grow up,Im gonna be like him.

Elena:All kids want to be like their parents.And its fun.

Y/N:Oh yeah,fixing drains,instaling toilets and other plumber things are the very definition of fun.

Elena:You dont trust me?Then how about I show how fun it is to be a Plumber?

Y/N:But you said youre gonna show me around town.

Elena:I can to that later.We still have plantey of summer left.Now come on slowpoke.

She jumped off the swing and started pulling him by his hand again.

Y/N:Will you stop pulling me?!

Elena:Only if you stopped being so slow,haha!

Timeskip Elenas home

Elena:Dad,Im back.

There was no answer.Apart from the sound of their own footsteps and the closing doors,there was a complete silence in the entire house.

Elena:I guess hes not here.

Y/N:Maybe he got called for a job?

Elena:Good.Then that means we have the house all to ourselves an we might get a new peice for the collection.

Y/N:What collection?And please let it be an answer that doesnt include pulling me.

Elena:Fine.But youre no fun.

Y/N:So far you havent been very much,yourself either.

Elena:Just come upstairs.

She went up the stairs adn Y/N followed behind her.Once on the last floor,she pulled down the rope that was hanging from the ceiling and the stairs lowers to the floors so they could go in the attic.Much like the Simpsons.After climbing the stairs to the attic,Elena turned on the lights and walked over to a large wooden chest.

Y/N:I suppose youre gonna say your dad id secretly a pirate or something like that?


The chest had a lock but instead of using a key,Elena slid it side way to show it was a fake covers that hid an array of tiny buttons.She typed in the correct sequence and the chest made a sound of something hermetically sealed being opened.She lifted the cover to show the inside of the chest was metalic and had some sort of a high tech looking cubes.

Y/N:What are those things?
Elena:Wait and see.Its gonna blow your mind.

She picked one and pressed the button on top.A hand opped out on the other and and she pulled it.Then,with handle still in her hand,the cubed shifted into a sci if looking weapon the size of a bazooka.

Y/N:What-how-what is that?!

Elena:Its awsome.There are regular plumbers that fix the pipes and then there are the real Plumbers.They are like the space cops.

Y/N:You mean like Men in Black?

Elena:No,the Plumbers are all over the galaxy.They fight aliens and gather their tech.Every time dad goes on a mission,he brings back something amazing.

Y/N:Is it safe?

Elena:Sure they.Ive been handling alien technology before kinder garden.I can tell The Series 4 De-Atomizer from de moleculizer XL4 with my eyes closed.Though,my personal favorite is still the ion inhibitor model six.Cant go wrong with the classics.

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