Chapter 23: Sorcerer Weekly

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In Fairy Tail guildhall after the three sibling coming back from their mission. Many guild members think Neos new look is a girl but to their shock to find out the truth.

Neos want to wash the make up off of him but when Mana, Erza and even Kagura give him the puppy eyes. He reluctantly agreed although wanting to rip his own eyeballs out.

Cana: *whistle* Damn I didn't know how hot you look as a girl, Neos.

Neos: Not a word Cana, they won't let me take this off.

Mana: But you look so pretty!

Erza: Yeah, I think you should keep this look.

Neos eye twitches before projecting a full face mask with only eyes holes and placing it on his face, this make the Fairy Tail girls a bit disappointed. But they can't really do anything about this.

Mira: I was hoping to take a picture, Neos can I just take a quick picture?

Neos: No.

Wendy: Can I take a-

Neos: Still no.

Cana: Don't be like that pretty boy, now you're just teasing us by doing that.

Cana said with smirk as Neos let out a sigh of frustration. Before taking out a device from his inventory taking a part it and began making something with it.

Everyone leave him alone only Levy move closer to see what he is doing while Cana both watch and drink.

After sometime

???: So cool!

A new voice was heard. Some turned to face a hyperactive blond man with a camera hanging around his neck, he was wearing a pink T-shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. He was the reporter for Sorcerer Weekly, Jason.

Jason: Oh, Titania Erza!

Jason instantly turned his attention to Erza and ran over to her. Jason then asked Erza to requip back into her original armor, she complied.

Erza: But this is how I always look. I went through all that trouble to dress up...

Jason: No problem! Seeing your most natural state is what I wanted most! Cool! Cool! Cool!

Jason said as he took some pictures of Erza. He then proceeded to interview her.

Jason: All together, how many kinds of armor can you requip into?!

Erza: Over 100.

Jason: Cool! Which one is your favorite?!

Erza: My favorite is my Scarlet Zero armor.

Jason: Scarlet Zero?

Erza: Yes, a of armor that not only light but also provide great protection, combine with it special ability of Tracing Weapon and Projecting Weapons.

This caught the attention of everyone who managed to heard her. The armor name is base of her and Neos last name.

Jason: So cool! This is the first time I even heard about a set of armor like that!

Erza: Of course it's a one of a kind. Hand made by my own younger brother.

Jason: SO COOL! Titania have a secret younger brother!? So cool!

Erza: I also have a little sister too.

Jason: You also have a little sister too!? Can I see them and give them a quick interview?

Erza: I'll go get them.

As Erza walk away to get her younger siblings, Jason turn his attention to the other Fairy Tail member.

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