Chapter 5: Thunder VS Lightning

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Outside on the field both Laxus and Neos stare at one and nother, lightning spark around them one ferociously and the other passionate.

Laxus: Today will be the day I make you know your place here.

Neos: How can you do that by having your face on the ground.

Laxus: You are just asking to get your ass kick today don't you?

Neos: Is that-

Laxus: Lightning Body

Laxus disappear into a light bolt charging at Neos with full speed.

Laxus: Thunder Fist

The attack landed created a large cloud of dust.

Natsu: Did Laxus just?

Erza: No, he won't go down that easily.

The dust clear revealing Neos in his lightning elemental, blocking the attack using his lightning blade. Laxus quickly jump back getting some distance.

Neos: What's the matter? Is the leader of the Thunder God Tribe afraid of my lightning?

Laxus: You dare mocked me?

Thunder strike down behind him as he disappear then reappear infront of Neos fist cover with lightning. Neos side step the attack dodging the furious blow that send thunder to strike down.

Quickly turning Laxus throw another punch at Neos, this time he hold his blades in a x formation which block the attack but this send him flying back.

Laxus not letting Neos have the chance to recover he rush towards him ready for another attack.

Laxus: Thunder Fist!

Neos: Lightning Style: Cyclone

Neos does a spin attack with both blades making Laxus jump back to avoid serious injury.

Laxus: Damn you.

His shirt had a cut but his right hand knuckle is bleeding.

Without wasting anytime Neos charge at Laxus.

Neos: Lightning Style: Rhino Revolve

Neos holds his swords in front of him pointing up, like rhinocero's horns, and spin-slashes around himself in an instant. Laxus jump back guarding his face with his hand which leave small cut.

Erza: Wait are those swords techniques!?

Laxus: Damn you, FAKER! Lightning Body

Laxus body turn to lightning and charge towards Neos before reappear infront of him.

Laxus: Thunder Hammer!

Laxus gather a large amount of lightning in his fist before slamming it down on Neos head. The attack push Neos down as lightning crack breaking the surrounding ground.

Wendy: Big brother!

Neos then disappear in a flash of lightning, shocking everyone before reappearing next to Laxus.

Neos: Lightning Talon

His leg spark with lightning that form into a talon, throwing a kick at Laxus who quickly block the attack with his hand, Neos then use his talon to grab on to Laxus arm before dropping down on his hand using his other foot to kick Laxus rib.

This make Laxus lose balance and began to fall, Neos also use his talon which was holding on to Laxus to pull him down faster slamming him in the ground.

Thunder God Tribe: LAXUS!

Thunder imidietly strick down where both lightning user are standing, Neos quickly jump back avoiding Laxus attack. Laxus the get up his body have bruises and scarre on his while Neos is bleeding from his head.

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