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"And that's Meatsweats."

“Pffffh whaat? What's the guy's name?"


"He’s not really called that, is it?!"

Leo and Shiro sat together on Leo's bed, and he showed her old pictures from the past on his phone, which were completely unsorted and stored in his chaotic cloud.

"Nah, that used to be a TV chef… but after his mutation I just liked 'Meatsweats' a lot better." grinned Leo

“You gave him the name?! You are such a nutcase!" Shiro was very enthusiastic about all the impressions of the Hamato family

Mikey heard the laughter and stuck his head in Leo's bedroom door.

"If you knew what we used to call ourselves!" he grinned

"MAD DOGS!" they heard Raph call

As April entered the liar, she could hear a chorus of laughter from afar. She grinned and went in search of the others. She had something for Shiro.

Donnie sat alone in the kitchen, eating breakfast and scrolling through the breaking news.

"Families torn apart, thousands of destroyed schools and kindergartens – and the constant fear of new bombings…."

“Persecuted scientists, no more access to international journals, a "brain drain": The sanctions and the increasing state repression have dealt a heavy blow to…”

“The use of drones in the war: from small planes to high-tech combat drones. The trend can also be seen in developing countries – and in the order books of the industry."

The turtle frowned. His finger hovered over the display, he paused. A memory, a voice, made its way into his mind.

“So now you two are chosen to rule the world! To make it your own, to improve it, to make it unified and perfect…”

Donnie stopped eating. He looked thoughtfully at the worktop in front of him, the display went out. He didn't notice.

"Can we, Shiro?"

"Hai, Splinter."

An old rat and a young woman made their way to the hidden city under New York with two boxes full of books. She had tied a cloth-wrapped bundle on her back.

“Ooooh, there you are, my Fuzzy Cuddlelupagus! And you brought her with you. Welcome Shiro. I've heard so much about you! Come in!"

Shiro and Splinter went to Big Mama's big office in the Nexus Hotel in the hidden city. The boxes had already been taken from them down in the foyer, and the servants carried them behind them and put them to the side. Big Mama waved them out, looked into one of the boxes, and pulled out a book.

"Indeed! Completely intact! I'm impressed, my girlydoo." she smiled mischievously at Shiro.

Shiro looked around. The boys had told her a bit about Big Mama. Their connection, her perfidy, their past enmity – the relationship was still complicated. But it was obviously true: she was a powerful woman with money and influence.

Splinter stood next to her, blushing at the use of his pet name. But Shiro didn't care.

"Big Mama." she just said with a nod.

Big Mama looked at her and when she saw her facial expression, she raised an eyebrow. Then she smiled and walked over to them and addressed Splinter by pinching his cheek.

the curse - 1 -  [rottmnt - COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ