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Leo hit the ground hard, spinning and landing on his feet. He almost blindly swung his Katana in the direction he thought his opponents were going, they were just too fast!

Black bolts of lightning shot out near the ground, knocking him off his feet again. Where they had touched his skin, he could feel the blood running down. Damn, they were strong! He heard Mikey scream!

Already, a sword came down on him, and he parried at the last moment with crossed swords, created a portal under himself and dove just to jump out at Mikey, whose Nunchaku was engulfed in black lightning.

Mikey screamed in pain as the lightning snaked up the chains. His opponent held his Nunchaku at the other end and laughingly let the black horror shoot out of his hand.

Leo felt immense anger and fear flaring up inside him. Mikey's scream almost froze him, but he threw his Katana at his brother's opponent. It flew and screwed itself into his head - and after a second that seemed like an eternity to them, the man collapsed. The flashes disappeared. Mikey snapped his Nunchaku back, breathed heavily and stared in shock at the dead body lying on the floor. Leo looked around. Everyone stopped? Why had they stopped?

Raph looked at him out of his red Ninpo-case with his mouth open, only to fixate on his opponent again, but he had stopped attacking him.

clap clap clap

Leo's head jerked to the woman who was still standing in the same place, behind her the rest of the motionless men, swords drawn.

She clapped her hands slowly and gave Leo a grotesque applause. She smiled at him.

"You did well, my young Hamato! That's how it should be." she said proudly, and a shudder ran through Leo's body.

He faced her and teleported the sword from his opponent's head back into his hand. Whose head jerked briefly, then he was already holding it by the hilt. The blade red with blood.

"Leo..." Mikey whispered.

But Leo didn't hear him. He looked at the woman and her smile became a wide grin.

"Once again?" she asked.


It was a battle with an uncertain outcome. Leo, Mikey and Raph quickly realized that although their mystical powers were stronger, their opponents were absolutely merciless and their leader acted without regard for losses.

The black magic from which these people drew their power, seemed to hang in the air and kept the turtles in check. There were too many attackers at the same time for them to be able to unleash their powers freely. They lacked the habitual practice of channeling their Ninpo and using it together effectively. It was slowly dawning on Leo that they just hadn't had enough time.

He was now staying close to Mikey, the least of the three of them able to kill anyone. Knocking someone unconscious was not an option here - these men were like zombie heaps. Nourished by a black thunderstorm that left them unnaturally strong, fast and insensitive to pain.

Leo had tried to teleport to April several times, but to no avail. This woman, still standing over her, smiling, seemed to have a power that was intangible. He could not build a portal near her.

And so they fought, they sweat, they suffered, they bled, and they killed - without hope. Because with every black bolt that hit them twitching, that made its way to them, a fear crept up inside them... a nameless dread that it was already too late, that Shiro was dead, that Donnie was gone forever, and that they would give their lives here in the name of hopelessness.


Donnie flew at full speed to the nearest entrance to the hidden city while activating his gauntlet and tracking his brothers and April. He knew it was close to a suicide squad what he was doing here - but he had to go to his brothers, and the knowledge that Shiro couldn't follow him made it easier for him not to hesitate.

the curse - 1 -  [rottmnt - COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora