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"Dad, it's not going to work that way!" Raph tried to influence his father. "First of all, please tell us what you know."

"All I know right now is Donatello is ungrateful, and I just want to protect you boys!"

“Protect US? From what? From HER? She can't even hold a cup right now!" Leo raised his hands in the air and, agitated, took a few steps away from Splinter. Oh, how can he be so stubborn?! Annoyed, he stopped in front of the display with the paused picture and looked at her figure dressed in black, who was still holding Donnie's Bo up and bowed her head down to his brother.

Behind him, Raph, Mikey and April were still talking to his stubborn father, but Leo's attention was elsewhere. The way she had her back to him and they both had his sword in their hands... Seeing the recording of it earlier had knocked the rug out from under his feet. It had looked almost sensual... he blushed and shook his head.

And then she had simply swept him off his feet. Oh, man! Every time he thought about it, he cringed inside. Those stupid recordings from Donnie's stupid cameras! Who was she and what the hell had she done with Donnie? And what did he with her...?

Envy stabbed him in the neck.

On impulse, he raised his hand and touched the display. Icons appeared. O boy!
He could use it! Now he could see for himself what the bloody secrecy was all about! Probably NOTHING and Donnie just has a huge crush on this young woman and now acting so conceited just because she was able to use his Bo!

He began to fast-forward. Behind him the voices died away and after a few seconds he heard April "LEO, are you crazy!?" calling out.

"Hey relax, I just want to get some answers here and since Donnie and our dear Mr. Papa aren't willing to say ANYTHING..."

It only took April a few steps, and she slapped Leo on the hand, which he used to fast-forward.

"DO YOU LEAVE THAT!" she snapped at him

The image on the display glitched, and suddenly Donnie and the young woman were surrounded by water. She was still holding the Bo.

“He meant that I can hold my breath much longer. Look at me. I am a turtle, I can extremely reduce my oxygen consumption. You don't."

"I understand."

Everyone stared at the display, frozen. The water rose and the two support themselves at the top of the dome.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

Splinter felt something soften inside of him. Was this young woman thinking of his son's life in the face of her own death?

"No! Don't think that and listen to me. I meant it exactly like I said it. You saved me and I will save you. Cost it whatever it may.”

They all saw the affection and the fear of the two. And the incredible atmosphere that surrounded both. April snapped out of her rigid state and hit the pause icon with an angry punch. The image stopped. She turned to Leo:

“LEONARDO HAMATO! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" she exclaimed.

Leo blinked. What had he just seen? Oh, damn! That had been a very, very stupid idea!

Mikey stand there in sheer awe, "Like a romance-adventure movie!" he whispered, but fortunately nobody heard him.

Raph now stood in front of his younger brother and slapped him with a flip-flop.

"Leo! Are you completely insane? Do you want Donnie to kill you? Have you EVER heard of cross-border behavior!? I swear, if you do one more act like that...."

“FINE!” they heard Splinter shout in a defiant voice. "She can stay until her wound has healed! But then she MUST go!" and he stomped out of the room.

Everyone was perplexed, but Leo felt he had narrowly escaped. 

the curse - 1 -  [rottmnt - COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant