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"Leo, you should at least take a shower. All the blood on you is starting to stink. And your leg wound still hasn't quite stopped bleeding."

"No, Raph… I… I can't. What if he somehow wants to wake up, and he can't, and I'm not there and then…"

"Heaven Leo! Go take a shower, I'm staying with Donnie until then."


"Leo, no kidding: either I'll take you to the shower now or you go yourself."

"Okay, Raph. But…"

"I'll take care of him, don't worry."


"Now go."

"Have you heard from April?"

"Yes, she called. She's feeling better. In the hospital, they're doing all the testing with this MRG... MRB... what's that thing called?"

"MRI, Mikey."

"Yeah, MRI. To see if her brain is still where it belongs."

"And does she know…?"

"No nothing…."

"I'm going back to Donnie.”

"Leo, you should eat something. I'll bring you something to eat in a moment."

"I am not hungry…"

"Bro, that wasn't a question."

“Donnie… can you hear me? Maybe you can hear me. Do you remember where we saw that documentary about people who are in a coma and still know everything that's going on around them?

Man, how old were we? 10? 12? I think it's been a thousand years…

Donnie, listen to me: please wake up. You can't go on like this forever! That saline isn't a substitute for food. Dad stopped speaking. Big Mama sent her personal doctors. They all have no idea. They say you're not unconscious. You are not in a coma. You're not sleeping. Draxum and his magic don't know what to do. He's madly looking for some solution, but…

Please wake up, Donnie. We need you here. I need you here. Please wake up."

"Hey April. How are you today?"

"Dale. Much better, thank you."

The bald medical student walked into April's room at the hospital. Her roommate was in the cafeteria with her visitor, so he took the opportunity to check on her.

She had arrived at the hospital a few days ago in a terrible condition, and at first the doctors feared that she had suffered neurological damage. But it looked like she would soon be her old self again. Which made him very happy.

April sat in her bed with her laptop, wearing a yellow hoodie, and watched her high school friend closely. He had visited her a couple of times over the past few days, but had always been very tight-lipped. She sighed, closed the laptop and laid it on the bedside table. She suddenly felt sorry for him. Actually, she owed him a favor, and instead she had peppered him with questions on each of his visits.

Both looked at each other uncertainly.

"They've been to you, I presume?" he asked her

“You mean the government people? Yes, they were." April nodded at the reminder of the pompous tie-wearers with their briefcases and 'top secret' expressions on their faces.

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