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She noticed her eyes go black. First it was just a brief dizziness that she tried to ignore, now she couldn't help but realize that something was wrong. Her grip on the Bo lost strength. In the distance she heard a rumble or was that just a rushing in her ears...?

Donnie noticed at the same time how her body tension decreased. Both opened their eyes. And scared! Air bubbles rose. Their pulses shot up.

The water was red! The bandage!

Donnie reached down, and all caution was gone. He pressed his hand to her wound to somehow slow the bleeding. At the same time, he continued to hold her by the back of the neck to keep her close to him.

She will die! Here in my arms! Pure horror seized him. He saw how she couldn't focus her eyes anymore. He pulled her to him and pressed his lips to hers. He wanted to give her all the remaining air, valuable air bubbles rose to the top. He was close to panicking. In the middle of the breath she pulled away, she saw through him and stuck to her plan.

“NO!” He shouted into the water and the bubbles break free.

The reddish water suddenly cleared. A pull arose and it was carried away. Fresh, clear water followed. 

Thoughts raced in the turtle's head. Everything in him was looking for a solution - he wanted to fix this, like he always fixed things. No problem was too complicated for him, no task unsolvable! But now he was reaching his limits. Panic began to take hold of him.

No! He got angry and everything in him tightened - focus! Stay calm! If she can keep calm, so can you!

He looked down and saw the blood escaping from between his fingers, being carried away by an invisible suction. Donnie quickly calculated - April and his brothers started to drain the water!

He began tearing at the fabric on her pant leg. He will apply a new pressure bandage! Rescue is near, they didn't have to hold out much longer

The young woman felt she had hardly any time left. Donnie's last breath had once again driven the blackness out of her thoughts. She pulled out the Bo, still glowing in her hand. She had to give it to Donnie. He has to hold it now. Her strength was dwindling.

She felt a tear in the fabric of her left leg and looked down. She could vaguely see the turtle's hand and realized what he was up to. He just doesn't give up, she thought to herself, smiling, and a warmth went through her.

She touched Donnie's face with her free hand, made him to meet his gaze to hers, then took the Bo with both hands and held it out to him, but he refused. She hugged the Bo to his chest, but instead of taking it, he raised his hands and brought them to her face, gently cupping it. An endless pleading lay in his touch, and she understood.

She also raised her hand again to his face, shook her head slightly and her last conscious thoughts formed in her mind

‘I'm so sorry. I just can't let you die… It’s okay…’

She couldn't think anymore. Darkness rose around her again. Her eyes closed.

A ton of emotions swirled inside Donnie. He never thought he could feel so many emotions at the same time. It was as if his body was too small to contain all of them.

He saw her eyes close. And fainting rose up in him, he was unwillingness to accept!

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will he let her die! He came up with an insane plan. He will reach around her hand, they will reproduce the shockwave one more time, and it will either be their salvation or their downfall! He was willing to live or die with her.

His hand grabbed - into emptiness! There was a strong suction and the water drained away and also pulled the two a bit to the side, so that the turtle grabbed next to it. He heard a loud rumble. The dome emptied quickly, and Donnie picked the young woman up for air first.

She breathed in weakly. The Bo slipped from her hand. The Dome's pattern of lines stopped. The light flickered.

Donnie lifted his head out of the water and took a deep breath. He held her in his arms. He had missed her breathing, and she felt fragile and lifeless.

It was too late! The realization shot into Donnie's head. Now the loss overwhelmed him. It was too late! Everything in him seemed to explode, and his barely maintained calm collapsed.

The Bo was gone and he didn't care. He was almost mad with fear and cried out in anguish:

"NO! Stay here! STAY WITH ME!”

He didn't even know her name. He wanted to call her, but he didn't know her name! HOW CAN THAT BE?

Donnie fell to his knees with her. The water was still up to his chest. He held her up.

"No. Please stay with me…." he looked at her unconscious face. She looked like she was sleeping. So relaxed and peaceful. The pain inside him drowned out the faintly flickering flame.

The light from the dome dimmed and rocks broke loose and fell down. He did not care.

"DONNIE?" far away, he heard Raph's voice. He didn't answer. Then, a strong tug and just as the dome gave way, the floor broke up. Instinctively he took her in his arms, held her head and slid down the newly created rescue slide with her and the rest of the water.

Seconds later he was at the feet of his family, who were all very wet, cheering and wanting to rush towards him.

He hardly noticed them. They were far, far away. He was deaf and mute. He lost something he didn't know existed, and nothing in this world can make up for the loss he felt

The others froze at the sight of him. The euphoria suddenly changed to shock. They saw his face. The young woman in his arms. The blood. Shocked silence fell.

Leo looked at his brother and the young woman - he felt that twisted feeling inside him again that he had felt earlier on the roof when they had looked into each other's eyes. He heard her words like an echo in his head. "I'm not your enemy".

He had an intuitive feeling that it wasn't over yet and because he couldn't bear the pain of seeing his brother like this, he acted immediately.

"Oooh, come on! Who's going to die here?" he said and boldly grabbed the young woman's neck. Full of self-confidence, he noticed her pulse and nodded. Weak, but there it was.

"Donnie, get your shit together! She's still alive!" 

The purple one woke up as if from a trance and stared at Leo. His system rebooted, and then EVERYTHING in him jumped into action. He immediately tore off the piece of her pant leg and applied a new pressure bandage. As he did so, he spoke rapidly.

“She lost a lot of blood! We need to get her to a hospital immediately! Leo, quick, a portal!"

“Donnie, we can't just walk into a hospital. People will…”

“What do I care about people! A PORTAL, LEO! NOW!"

"I have an idea! Leo! To Queen's Hospital! I know someone there!" April interrupted the interaction of the two brothers.

“Ooookay, okay. Here we go!" Leo said with a dramatic sigh

“April, I'm going back to the Liar with Mikey. You go with Donnie and Leo, the fewer you are, the more low-key it is."

"Good plan, Raph! We'll meet there then."

Donnie picked the young woman up and held her tight. April and he walked through the portal, just as Leo was about to follow them, he noticed something on the ground. Donnie's Bo. He had forgotten it. The blue one picked it up and turned to his two brothers. Raph raised an eyebrow as he took it from Leo.

"I'm taking it home."

Leo nodded and frowned as he stepped through the portal as well, and it disappeared.

Mikey stood next to Raph and looked with him at the Bo in his hands.

"What happened there...?"

“I don't know, Mikey… I don't know….”

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