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"On your knees!"

The young woman looked around. The world was shrouded in ash and dust. The sky blood-red. An endless desert of boulders and stones. The clouds lit by a fire that consumed the land. The wind ruffled her hair and covered her in a sooty layer that crept into her nose and mouth with every breath she took. Her eyes burned, and she looked down at her hands. Bloody and dirty, without any power. She swallowed hard.

Then she felt a movement behind her. She wasn't alone! She wanted to turn around, but the voices had noticed it too, and pure disbelief arose.

"What is this?!"

She felt a hand in hers and with a jerk she was pulled away. The clouds twisted, and the ground was rocked by an unseen eruption. She felt helpless madness took possession of her ancestors as they reached for her - and they missed. Their tormented howl rang out in countless voices and made her shudder. Then everything went white.

the curse - 1 -  [rottmnt - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now