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They all got a sandwich. Everything is easier when you're not hungry, and Mikey had absolutely embraced that rule of thumb in life.

Now they sat and stood together in the projector room, and even Splinter had his series paused to listen.

Donnie felt a little better. The indefinable pain in his body was nearly gone. He briefly checked her vitals again before turning to the others. He stood in front of the screen as if on a stage and didn't know how to begin. How much to report. He raised his hands helplessly.

"I don't know how to begin..." he confessed.

"Well, just show us the camera footage!" said Leo nonchalant.

Donnie looked like he got hit.

"WHAT? How the heck do you know about that?" he replied, completely flabbergasted

"Hahaaaa!" cheered his brother. "I didn't know, I just knew you've been recording EVERYTHING with audio for ages, so it made sense you'd do it with videos too!"

Leo's mood was brilliant. He was fed, his brother was alive, and he had just caught him cold!

"For real?! Where's the camera? In your battleshell's shoulder thing?" Mikey was immediately captivated. "Is it recording now? HELLO!" he ran up to Donnie's shoulder waving, "Heeeeeeello!!"

Raph and April started laughing. Splinter cocked an eyebrow and grabbed his popcorn. That should be interesting.

Donnie pushed Mikey's face away from himself, while he hastily searched for an argumentative way out of this trap. Oh, WHY did Leo always have to put him in these situations?!

"So... I..... I can't... you really can't!...." he thought about sharing his breath with her, and started to blush. There was no way he could show them THAT!

"Donnie, are you blushing right now? So now it gets interesting! What were you doing down there?" Leo shouted, and Raph tried to get Leo to stop with 'hold on' gestures.

"Oh damn you, Leo! Well, I'll show you the ESSENTIALS!" to regain control, the purple one continued after he collected himself.

"Well, I don't continuously record everything. I have developed an algorithm that activates the recording mode in certain situations. For example, during training or a fight. For analysis purposes mainly. There are three cameras. You can't see them, dust grain size. I got the idea from Big Mama and her flying camera eyes on the Battle Nexus New York thing. Only MY cameras aren't so clumsy and obvious!" Donnie found his confidence again. "So. Three cameras. One with me, one with the opponent, and one that has the opponent AND me in the picture at the same time. This can sometimes be quite far away to capture the whole scene. When I'm not in action, an AI controls the recording of any nearby fights. This is very helpful for...."

"Get to the poooooint!" said Leo, bored.

Donnie cleared his throat and made an extra pause. Leo growled. The purple one used the moment to make a mental selection of what he could and wanted to show. Of course, it was significant that his family got the best possible picture of what happened that night. There are lots of questions! However, his privacy was EXTREMELY important to him, and he wanted to protect hers too...

"I think the most important thing is the explosion."

He raised his arm and activated the recordings. A small thumbnail appeared and Donnie could fast-forward through circular motions. He had always been a fan of the first iPod generations. Pure nostalgia!

"Hey wait. Let's run from the fight on the roof." suggested Raph.

"Great suggestion, big bro!" confirmed Donnie and looked forward to the scene with Leo

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