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Donnie stood frozen on the sixth floor of the uncompleted skyscraper and watched the scene unfold on the roof below. The thief has disarmed Leo! Disarmed! What the heck is going on here? Who was that? His thoughts swirled as he watched Leo catch his sword and the thief turned once more, wanting to disappear into the night like a cat.

Donnie grabbed his Bo and in a split second his mind calculated the way the fugitive would take. Determined, he sprinted into the building. He was the fastest of his brothers - he'll catch this guy!

Cold steel struts encased in damp concrete formed the building's future upper parking deck. The howl from the wind was just a whisper. The air here was a few degrees colder than outside, and there was a smell of rubble and stagnant water. Big parts of the ground were covered with large puddles, which was unusual since this place was protected from rain despite the lack of an external facade. Around 20 mobile water pumps were lined up nearby. Apparently there was a water pipe burst during construction, and so humans and turtles had to find their way around the water so as not to break the silence. That took time. Precious time. And both cursed silently to themselves at the same time.

Donnie had found a shortcut by scanning the building and made his way parallel to the thief, who was concentrated on jumping over one of the large pools of water. Now! - thought the turtle and hooked around a massive concrete pillar, turned on its own axis while stretching out its Bo like an extension of its arm.

As Donnie completed his spin, the thief landed on the edge of the puddle and they both came to a complete standstill as Donnie's Bo froze in the air just centimeters from the thief's chest, blocking his path.

He's small... the thought popped into Donnie's head, just like his brother Leo had before, but he instead quickly put the pieces of the puzzle together: This is a woman. A young lady!

He... She... turned her head in Donnie's direction. The green eyes were wide open in surprise, which filled the turtle with grim pride. But when their eyes met, it was as if something in Donnie's chest twitched and his previously focused thoughts were lifted and thrown into a whirlpool.

It was like a flame that was lit from deep inside him - and made all his insides shine with a bright light.

And an uncertainty crawled up his neck: will this fire warm me, or will it burn me?

Neither of them said a word. Nobody moved from the spot. Only the deep breaths of human and turtle betrayed that time was passing. Just a moment - until she broke the silence.

"I will continue my way now. Don't follow me anymore there is no reason for it."

Her voice formed in Donnie's mind and echoed through the parking deck. She sounded calm, determined and... sad? Why isn't she scared because there's a big humanoid turtle in front of her? He shrugged off the interpretation of her words and forced his thoughts back into focus. This is a thief, and she belongs before a judge!

"You stole something. That's reason enough for me," he replied, calmer than he felt.

"I took back something I desperately need. Let me go. I don't want to fight." there was something pleading in her voice.

"I don't want to fight either, but I can't let you escape." he replied almost apologetically, and he had a sudden need to get her to safety. Was she in danger?

They looked at each other and Donnie saw regret in their eyes. He was surprised at himself. He wasn't usually good at reading emotions in others. Certainly not just at a glance. He felt the flame flickering.

"I'm sorry" she whispered and then the chaos began.

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