chapter one: New Beginnings

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Hailey Pov

It was a Tuesday night, I was catching up on the last episode of raw. Sometimes I wish I didn't live on the other side of the world just so I can watch it live. The plus side was that everyone else is out of the house for the night. Which meant I could watch raw without my family being here. I watched closely as the miz had the Judgement day on his "Show". I was listening closely as Dominik started to talk about the events that took place. My phone started to ring as soon as it got to the good part. I turned down the tv and answered the phone.

"Hey Hailey, I just wanted to tell you that me and your father will be home tonight," Mom said

"Ok and did anything happen?," I asked.

"Oh no..No it's just we decided to spend the night at your grandparents house" Mom said nervously.

"Ok then and tell them I say hi," I said.

"I will and Good Night," Mom said.

"Good," I said while getting cut off by the phone hanging up.

I shifted my focus back to the tv where I saw that a match had started. I was upset that I missed everything that happened. I got up to grab a snack when I got an email. I looked closely until I saw that I got picked to go to California and hang out with them for a couple months. I also saw that I was leaving in 2 days and that I was going but then I realized I didn't know when my parents were going home. I quickly called my mom but got no answer. I tried my dad but didn't get an answer either. I decided to text them and tell them what is happening. I put my phone down and went back to watching TV. I looked at the time to see it was almost midnight and that Raw just finished. I head upstairs to go to bed. In the morning I still haven't gotten a response from my parents but it did show that they have seen it. I shrugged it off and went to social media to see what was happening. I saw that Rhea, Dominik, Finn and Priest have posted something about new people were coming. I looked at it confused because it didn't give that much information about who these people are. I went to see if anyone posted something like the Judgement day. I didn't think too much of it since I had to pack since I was leaving tomorrow morning. I finished up my breakfast and started to pack for my trip. I packed for the next month because I knew that I was going to have some money to spend while I'm in America. I heard my phone ring and saw it was my mom. I quickly answered it.

"Hey and what's up," I said.

"I wanted to check in on you and tell you probably won't be home to say goodbye to you," Mom said.

"Ok and when are you going to be home? How are you guys?," I asked.

"We should be home this weekend and good," Mom said.

"That's good and ok," I said.

"Me and your dad hope you have fun on your trip. If we get time, we will come and visit you," Mom said.

"Ok and I will," I said.

The call ended and I was left by myself in this empty and quiet house. I finished packing and watched Tv for the rest of the night. My alarm went off and I hit the snooze button. I got up to do last minute stuff before heading to the airport. I was soon boarding the plane and heading to California. Before I knew it, I was landing. I got off the plane and grabbed my bags. I saw a group of boys standing until I saw who was behind them. I got put into a group with the Judgement day. I was kinda surprised until I got surrounded by a group of people.

"Aren't your parents famous," One person asked.

"Yeah, like an actor and a famous wrestler," Another person said.

I couldn't get any words out until I heard male voice behind me.

"Don't you guys have somewhere to be?" Male asked.

The group of people kinda just stood there until I heard another voice chiming in.

"Yeah and you guys should be moving now," Another voice said.

The group of people left. I took a deep breath and slowly turned around. I was faced with Dominik and Rhea. I slightly smiled at them after trying to process everything that just happened.

"So you must be Hailey right?," Dom asked.

"Yes," I smiled.

"Where did you come from since you are a day later than the others?," Rhea asked

"Oh yeah, I'm from the United Kingdom," I said.

"But you have an American accent," Dom said.

"Yes. I was born and raised there. My mom is American and my dad is British," I said.

They nodded their heads and we were on our way. We got to the place and I made my way into the house.

"We can show you to your room," Dom said.

I nodded my head and followed him to my room. He opened the door and I saw how awesome my room looked. They nailed my room so perfectly and how I asked to be.

"So what do you think," Dom asked.

"I love it," I smiled.

"Good because me and Priest helped pick out stuff for your room," Dom said.

"Yeah we did," Priest said.

I couldn't help but give them a hug to tell them my thanks for this. They hugged back and after the hug I was left alone in my room. I started to unpack my bags to make it more like home. I quickly unpacked and made my way downstairs.

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