Chapter 90: The Raid

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"So.. we're actually doing this.."

A foot emerged from the shadows on the dark green meadow.

"To think we must fall to such a level."

Shigaraki passed Pucci, pulling the rest of the League with him.

"Don't be so high and mighty. You're also here."

Shigaraki placed his hand on the mansion door.

The door broke down before them, revealing the cult like inside.

Dozens of skull wearing black gowned figures filled the room.

Some of them stepped from the crowd.

"How did you get in?!"

"These guys are... They're the League of Villains!"

"How filthy."

"Looks like some lizards have arrived."

A grimace fell on Pucci's face.

How disgusting.

Compress walked towards the objects on the right side of the mansion.

"We're looking for things we can sell.. Are these expensive?

We're a little strapped for cash right now, you see? Stealing just ain't stylish. If possible, I'd like to avoid it too."

The cultists armed themselves, jumping on the foreign invaders.

"This is a sacred place!!"

"You filthy sinners need to get the hell out!"

Shigaraki grabbed the face of one of the cultists attacking them.

"We'll get the hell out once we're done. If you don't want us to stay too long, shut up and stay away."

The cultist's face broke apart. His dust spread across the room as his brethren were slaughtered at the hands of the League.

Pucci pushed Overhaul into the battle.

"Finish them off. Make it so not a single drop of their dreadful blood splashes on me."

Overhaul looked back in anger.

"Don't make me do your dirty work. If you want them dead, just do it yourself."

"I must test your resolve under me. How willing you are to do the things I ask of you. And be sure not to forget our contract.

Now I ask you once more. Finish them off."

Overhaul turned his gaze to the dying cultists.


Overhaul took the closest person to him in his grasp.

"I have no other option here, do I?"

The cultist was broken down before Pucci's very eyes. Overhaul made sure to deconstruct the man in a way that made his body parts resemble square meat cubes.

The remaining cultists slowed their attack. Fear fell over the crowd of people as they saw six of their men fall in a matter of seconds.

Overhaul kicked the cubes of meat of the the way. He turned towards the cultists.

"I'll make this quick."

In just a few seconds, the entire CRC was eliminated, with only the desecrated bodies on the floor as a remnant of their existence.

Twice kicked the cabinet doors down.

"Is religion not a profitable industry? There's nothing of value here!"

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