Chapter 31: Just What I Needed

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"Here we are! Green Dolphin Prison. A beautiful place with swamps and stands, and also explosive collars."

"What was that?"


They walked in front of a door where a formally dressed officer was standing guard. Kakyoin showed the man his hero license.

"The warden is awaiting you inside."

"Thank you kind sir."

Kakyoin opened the door. A man was sitting down near a desk.

"Hello Brian, long time no see."

"I told you not to call me that on the job."

"Alright "Warden", what's the situation."

"Sure you heard most of it over the call. We did get some new info from James though, and you know how it is with James."

"James never lied."

Kakyoin and Brian said simultaneously.

"He told us that another threat is coming. He told us the enemy will be coming from the north entrance during the riot. I have some suspicions that this could be planned. I'm hoping you can take care of things. I'll call more heroes if the situation turns bad."

"Understood, let's go Y/N."

Kakyoin and Y/N stood up and walked out of the room.

They both stopped after a while of walking. They were standing right outside the pathway to the maximum security unit.

"You show your ID and enter the maximum security prison. The riot will happen tomorrow morning in there. Stay in your assigned location until you are instructed to intervene. I will be at the north gate. Try not to do anything stupid."

"You know me. I won't."

"I know you won't.

With that Kakyoin walked away, leaving Y/N to deal with this alone.

To think things would turn out so well. A maximum security ward will surely have the sufficient of sinners just waiting to be harvested. And a riot to blame it on. How perfect.

Y/N walked down the pathway. A guard awaited him at the entrance. He didn't look exactly welcoming.

"Stop right there."

Y/N held up is ID.

"Y/N Pucci. Intern at Tentacle Green Hero Agency. I'm here to take care of your riot problem."

"I was wondering when you guys would get here. Come inside."

The guard pointed him to another guard standing a few meters away.

"He'll tell you where your room is."

Y/N walked over to the guard.

"Who are you?"

"The reinforcements you guys sent for."

"Oh, right. Well until the incident arrives, you can stay in that cell. It'll be unlocked for you to roam around when you want to. Sorry for not having something better for you to stay in."

The guard handed him a key.

"Just in case you want some privacy. Or safety, but I doubt you will need any."

"Thank you."

Y/N walked to his cell. He closed the door, locking it shut. He fell onto the bed and closed his eyes. It was a long day today, and it'll be even longer tomorrow.
A knocking sound came from the door. Y/N was wide awake, not being able to rest. He was too anxious for what would happen tomorrow. A voice spoke to him behind the door.

"It's about lunch time right now. Want anything to eat? I can show you where to get some."

Y/N creaked open the door.

"No thank you. I'm not hungry right now but thanks for asking."

Y/N heard the guard's footsteps walk away. He waited for a few seconds before opening the door wide open.

I may as well get to know the terrain I'm fighting on.

Y/N walked around the large building. Many of the cells didn't seem to have anyone inside. If course there's always the possibility that some of the prisoners could be invisible.

Y/N saw a staircase going up to the next level of cells, but it was the thing behind it that interested him.

A foot. A foot was sticking out from behind the staircase. As he walked closer, the foot was pulled behind the staircase, covering it completely.

Y/N walked a bit closer to where the foot was. He saw a woman sitting there, shaking. She tried to stand up.

"Don't come any closer!"

She pulled her fists in front of her. Y/N lifted one of his hands to her. He faced his palm to her.

"Calm down. I won't hurt you."

She dropped her arms.

"Wait, you're not a guard. You're not even a prisoner are you. You're a priest. Why would a priest be somewhere like this?"

"I am a hero, not a priest. At least not yet. I'm more interested in why you're here. If you were a prisoner, you wouldn't be able to leave your cell. Definitely not at a maximum security ward."

The woman fell down to her bottom again.

"You're wrong. I am a prisoner, but you're correct that I'm not a prisoner here at the maximum security prison. I am hiding here."

"Why are you hiding in such a dangerous place?"

"Just a few years ago I had a child here at this prison. A child who I didn't have the choice to give birth to. A guard forced himself upon me. I was tempted to leave the child for dead, but after seeing the boy, I couldn't do it. Even after my successful escape, I couldn't leave my child."

Y/N crouched down to the woman.

"A child? Where is he now. Did the boy get sent away to one of your relatives?"


He's still here somewhere. It seems like my quirk passed on to him."

"Quirk? What type of Quirk would allow your child to survive in such a harsh environment?"

"It's a strange Quirk, but there's no need to show it to you Father. I don't think it would help you anyways."

"I'm merely curious."

A slim golden hand jumped out from the woman's chest. It grabbed onto Y/N's neck and pulled him in. Whitesnake attempted to pry the fingers away from his master's neck to no avail. It was already to late to stop it.

The next thing Y/N saw was a red bed with golden edges. The frames holding the bed up seemed to be encased with shiny gold material. In fact the whole room emitted a rich tone. The royal rich tone.

"This is my Quirk, Speaking in Tongues."
Heyyyyyyyyy. How ya doin guys. I'm feeling great so far. Haven't messed up my grades yet. Yet is the keyword here. All the support comin from you is amazing. I love every single one of you.

Anyways, have a good mother fuckin day!

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