Chapter 73: True Power

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"I'll smush your head under my heels, and send your corpse straight up to the moon!

Be proud knowing that your body will be the first thing aliens see once they come to Earth!"

Y/N felt All For One's skull getting pushed in.

"You're finished!"

He laughed as All For One was being mutilated under his foot.

But the laughter slowed. And then stopped.

"Huh. This is taking a lot longer than I would like. Just DIE ALREADY!"

Y/N tried to put more pressure onto his foot, but nothing was happening.



All For One grabbed Y/N's foot and threw him across the broken landscape.

"I see now. Your Quirk. Your power. Total domination over gravity itself. The bending of nature's rules."

He pointed his palm at Y/N.

"You have such immense power, yet you pretend to care about the objects around you.

Your Quirk yearns to bathe in the blood of your enemies, and yet you hold it back with your insecurities."

Y/N pushed himself up from the ground. His body was far too weak to fully stand up, so he stayed in a crawling position.

He slammed his fist into the ground.

"Dammit! I fell into the same trap I did every other time! I never really change do I?!

First it was my weakness, and now it's my hubris. I just had to get cocky!

Now we're all gonna die!"

The ground began to move underneath him. He fell onto his back against a wall.

"Now he's even using my power better than I did!"

The new helicopters coming in to replace the fallen one were sent crashing down into the field.

All For One laughed.

"Now the whole world is in my grasp. Nothing can stop me now."

He jumped over to Y/N.

"How would you like a taste, of your own medicine!"

His arm came crushing down upon Y/N, coupled with the new weight Y/N's stand came with.

Y/N moved his right arm in a pitiful attempt of blocking the attack.


Pain shot through his arm all the way down to his feet. He could even feel the bones in his arm breaking apart like Kit Kat bars.

Is this.. really the end? After all I've done, this is the pathetic end that people will remember me by? God must have truly forsaken me..

"Wake up Y/N Pucci."


He opened his eyes. His body still getting crushed by the immense weight in his body, but everything feeling a tiny bit lighter.

"The world is counting on you."

He looked up to the point where All For One's arm was supposedly pressing onto him, to see a translucent hand keeping it away from Y/N.

"Believe in yourself, it's the only way."

Y/N looked at the ground.

I've already been doing that all my life, and look at where it brought me. To a death by the hands of a villain.

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