Chapter 34: Story Time!

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"On your right!"

A man dressed in a knight's armor blocked a bullet coming from the right if Kakyoin.

"Thanks Polnareff."

"Don't thank me yet."

More bullets pelleted the duo, but they bounced off painlessly as the two seemed to dance in circles.

After a while, bullets stopped raining down upon them. Several clicks signaled the gang member's lack of ammo. Silver Chariot waved its rapier around in the air.

"Oh? Have you finally ran out of ammo? Good, I was getting tired of humoring you."

Kakyoin laughed at the crowd around them.

"What? You thought you were actually doing something?"

"You won't be laughing soon. Especially once you're dead."

They duo faced the voice coming from the crowd. A man in a black business suit and red tie stepped forward. His face was covered with a mask.

"To everyone who stopped these heroes, leave now or you will meet your demise. By their hands

Or mine."

All the mobsters in the area fled in a hurry, not wanting their death to be at the hands of their own boss. Wouldn't that be embarrassing.

"You should leave now while you still can. Don't sacrifice yourself in vain."

Kakyoin and Polnareff smiled.

"Flee? This is a two against one! There's no way you are slipping out of this one! This is the day we finally catch you."

"Very well then."

A red aura surrounded the man.

"If those are your last words...

At least they were filled with hope."

Kakyoin and Polnareff started to run forward when suddenly they were thrust into a different position.

"Hope that I will snuff out...


A crimson red arm started to chop down towards Polnareff's shoulder. Silver Chariot appeared behind him and blocked the attack with its left elbow. Sliver Chariot used its right arm to strike at the man with its rapier.

But just before the rapier could touch him, it happened again. Kakyoin, Polnareff, and Silver Chariot appeared in different places.


Kakyoin started to think it over.

We were trying to rush to the boss, when we were sent to another location. The same place we were trying to go to. The future location. Is it? Could it be? I can't find another explanation.

"Polnareff! Run! His stand, his stand can skip through time!"


Once again they were thrust into a different position. But this time, King Crimson was stand right in front of Polnareff.

"Polnareff NOO!!"

King Crimson stabbed into Polnareff's right eye, before skipping time once more.

Polnareff was on the floor, his right arm and legs ripped off.

"Since you're going to die here anyways, I guess I'll tell you. The moment anyone sees King Crimson,

they are no longer in this world."

Polnareff screamed at Kakyoin.

"Kakyoin! Kakyoin! Kakyoin!!!"

Kakyoin woke up from his trance.

"We passed the airport 5 minutes ago!"

"Oh, sorry. I was just lost in thought."

Kakyoin made a U- turn and started heading back to the airport.

"What were you thinking about."

"Just remembering the old days."
"That's your plan?! It's horrible! How would we even get the baby on the plane in the first place."

Y/N looked shocked.

"You're right. Even if the baby shrinks us, there won't be a way for the baby to get in the plane."

"We should just go with my plan."

"But what if someone sees Heirophant Green?"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that won't happen."
Both Kakyoin and Y/N walked into the airport, each wearing their hero costumes. They came up to a desk and proceeded to buy their plane tickets. A small voice came from behind them.

"Isn't that Tentacle Green?"

A little girl was pointing at the two heroes. Her mother pulled on her arm.

"They must be cosplayers. Let's get going Hermès."

Kakyoin turned around.

"Cosplayers? Is that how people see heroes these days? You are right child, the man who is standing here before you truly is Tentacle Green!"

Everyone in the airport looked their way. Some people even came up to Kakyoin, asking for an autograph.

"And isn't that the Y/N Pucci from the festival?"

And soon Kakyoin and Y/N were overwhelmed by the increasing number of fans around them. The perfect distraction from Heirophant Green floating far above. And in its arms was the Green Baby, sleeping peacefully.

Eventually Kakyoin and Y/N were able to reach their flight, with Heirophant Green and the Green Baby already inside.

They took their seats and waited for the flight to begin. Y/N tried to ignore the many stares that they attracted.

Y/N cradled the baby. He looked down at its innocent face. The cute chubby face of a baby. Y/N was tempted to poke the baby again, but resisted.

I don't want the baby waking up.

For some reason every time a flight attendant walked passed, they never once pointed out the baby. They did however make passes at Kakyoin. A lot.

Although many simply flirted a bit, there was one ambitious woman.

"Tentacle Green? How bout you stick your tentacles in me. Meet me later if you want some...


She winked at him.

As soon as the flight attendant walked away, Kakyoin stood up.

"Shouldn't keep a lady waiting."

At that point, Y/N felt disgusted even knowing Kakyoin.

After a few hours, Kakyoin came back. He looked like he just woke up from his nap. Fresh and ready to move.

Y/N didn't dare ask what happened.
Hey guys. Hope you didn't wait too long. Sry if it was shorter than my other chapters.

Also some stuff goin on in my life rn so updates may come delayed a bit. Don't worry I promise at least one chapter each week.

Anyways, have a good mother fuckin day!

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