Chapter 48: STARTO

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Y/N woke up with a jolt. He looked around him to get a sense of his surroundings. He felt wood under his back. He felt the warmth of the flames of the campfire at his skin. Mista and Giorno sat at the opposite side of the campfire with marshmallows on sticks. Y/N patted his clothing before asking Giorno

"What happened? Did we do it?"

Giorno glanced at Y/N.

"Oh! Didn't know you were awake! What happened? Well, Vanilla Ice was able to take care of it once you were out."

"And where are we now?"

"Well, after we finished up the job and reunited Diavolo with his family, we decided to go on a little road trip. A celebration of sorts."

"I see. And how are the two people we captured?"

"Well Diavolo is doing well. We managed to pass it off as amnesia. Fugo however still had both his discs in there, so we had to keep him unconscious until you woke up. That reminds me, you should take his discs before he wakes up. He should be in the trunk of the car."

Y/N almost stood up to go take the discs when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You can do that after you come with me."

Y/N turned his head to see Vanilla Ice standing behind him.

"We need to have a talk."
Once they got a new hundred meters away from the base camp, Vanilla Oce gestured Y/N to sit on a rock. Vanilla Ice sat down beside him on another surface. He looked up at the full moon above them.

"What a beautiful moon here tonight."


"You see the moon too, don't you? Every day I reckon. It's not quite rare."

"Yeah. I see moon almost every day. Except when I'm knocked out by a certain someone."

Vanilla Ice looked at Y/N.

"You almost died back there."

Y/N looked away.

"I could've-"

"No. You couldn't have. You have an amazing stand with an even better ability. The fact that you lost against him should have shown you something, but I guess not.

Do I need to spell it out for you? You're too weak for this hero stuff. And I mean mentally. You are too easily influenced. I saw the anger in your eyes when you fought Fugo. Look, I'm not one to pry, so I won't. But if it's that troublesome that it's affecting your work, cut it out."

Vanilla Ice stood up and started walking back to the camp. Y/N was about to stand up and follow him when he turned around and said

"Don't. Stay here and just think for a second or so. You might find it helpful."

As Vanilla Ice's silhouette slowly grew smaller and smaller, Y/N thought back to his battles. The battles were he lost.

"There's no way that just my anger lost my fights. It had to have been something else."

But as he thought more into it, it dawned on him. Every single fight he lost... was because of his anger. He didn't think straight. He didn't think things through. And that's what took him.

Y/N remembered his first lost.


He was just about to win the festival when that bastard interrupted.

"I just wasn't-"

But he was. He was all ready and prepared. But the moment Bakugo countered his attack, he panicked. He couldn't... keep his cool.

And from there, it just got worse.

His battle with Stain? Lost because he overreacted.

And now, his loss against Fugo. Y/N shook his head to clear his mind.

"But there's nothing bothering me. Maybe Dio Jr. annoying me sometimes, but not to make me angry! No... Ice has to be wrong."

But Y/N knew the truth. The thing that was making him angry... was himself. His own inability to do something caused his most treasured ones to pass on. It was because of him... that he was angry.

"But I can't fix that. How can I fix something like that? All I can do is try not to lose again. But I can't win if I keep losing control like this."

Y/N out both of his hands on top of his head. As his hands slowly slided down his face, he heard the crickets chirping around him. The faint rustle of leaves. The cold night air flowing around him.

Y/N took a deep breath in.... then out. He took another breath, and then another. Eventually, he got to a state where he no longer felt frustrated. He was... calm. He looked at the full moon high above him.

"It really is a beautiful night."

Y/N looked down and saw a few sparks of sunlight coming off from his body. They stopped once he took notice of them.

"Hm. Must be my imagination."

Y/N stood up and started walking back to the camp. A brown mouse ran past his feet. He watched as it slowly scuttered. The sound of wind moving behind him caused his body to move to the right a bit. A bird flew past his face and into the starry night air.

"Now... I'm prepared."
"I hope you enjoyed your venture. Maybe you learned something?"

Polnareff glanced at Vanilla Ice. Y/N answered

"You can say that."

Vanilla Ice nodded at Polnareff.

"Good work. Now we can finally get on to training. But first"

Polnareff handed Y/N something green. It looked like a large circle. When it was placed on Y/N's hands, his arms went flying down.

"Hold on to these."

"What the hell is this? A brick?"

"Close, it's actually 50 pound weight. Heavy, isn't it?"

"Wait, you aren't gonna. Never mind. Let's just get this going."

Y/N put the green object on his back. He fell backwards immediately.


"Heh, it's almost as heavy as your mother."

Vanilla Ice bent over to Polnareff.

"Nice one sir."

"I don't need you to tell me that Ice."

Polnareff rolled over to Y/N's body. Y/N was desperately trying to flip himself up. Kinda like a turtle. After a while, he finally got up and balanced himself.

"So, what's with the color."

"Green? Well it's a memorial to Kakyoin. You know, the green theme of his."

"Oh. Well that's quite thoug-"

"And also the fact that in pictures, I can edit my logo on it."

"And there it is."

"It's much cheaper than having to imprint the logo into the circle."

"Aren't you rich?"

"How do you think I got here? Haven't you heard the saying? Act broke, stay rich."

"Fine, whatever. Let's just get onto that training of yours."

"That's the spirit!"
Hey everyone! Hope you're doin well. Only 1 more week until winter break! So that's nice. Expect more updates on winter break. Unfortunately, Y/N will be getting beat up less :((

Anyways, have a good mother fuckin day!

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