Chapter 69: Will Not Flee

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Y/N opened his eyes.

"Oh who am I kidding. I haven't even done what I came here to do."

He aimed his feet so they were parallel to the ground.

Hope this doesn't hurt too much.

He finally hit the ground, causing a crater to form from his momentum.

Y/N's knees shook as the force of the impact crawled up his body.

"Oh fuck."

And then the pain settles in..


Is what he would have said if he still wasn't keeping up the tough guy act.

Y/N stood up, his body "unscathed."

"I'm not here for anything other than my own pride! I don't care about Bakugo. I don't care about the other students. All I care about..

Is kicking some villain ass!"

He looked around.

"Oh. It's almost finished."

He saw an old man in a white and yellow hero uniform.

At the other corner was Shigaraki and that knife girl.

A red aura appears behind the girl just as All For One stuck his fingers inside another villain. A portal was formed behind the girl.

All the other villains were pulled towards the girl, pushing all of them into the portal.

Y/N just sat there, confused.

"What just happened."

The sound of clashing fists drew Y/N's attention back to All Might's fight. He was beating All For One's body to a pulp on the ground.

But this time, he looked a bit different.

Half his body was shrunken down to a husk of the man everyone saw him as. Even his hair was bent over.

"All Might?! What happened?"

This must be one of All For One's Quirks!

He heard All Night's thundering voice, a fierce anger in his throat.

"Don't sully the name of my honored master... with that filthy mouth of yours...!"

"She was a woman with no skill whose ideals got ahead of her. She was an embarrassment to me as the one who created One For All. She died in a really pathetic way.

Where shall I start.."


When All Might was just about to hit All For One with another attack, he saw a ball glow up in All For One's right hand.

The orb exploded, launching All Might far into the air.

He coughed up some blood.

Y/N was shook.

"All Might.. defeated this way? No.. I NEED TO HELP!"

The old man grabbed Y/N and pulled him back.

"You'll only get in the way."

Get in the way...
get in the way...
get in the way...

"Get in the way? But.. I can't just stand here!"

"Let us pro heroes handle these things."

The old man jumped up high into the air at a blinding speed. He caught All Might, saving a nearby news helicopter from its demise.

Road to Heaven Pucci x MHANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ