Chapter 25: Tournament Of STANDO POWA (its the tournament arc)

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"Now we'll break for lunch before we start the afternoon festivities! See ya!"

Y/N was walking with the other students to the cafeteria. On the way he saw a purple haired boy in front of him.

"Hey you, aren't you the guy that got fifth place?"

The boy turned around. His bored expression being a constant since their first meeting.

"And what about it."

"I just wanted to congratulate you. Considering you're in the general studies, you did really well."

The boy scoffs.

"Are you here to just rub it in. Don't underestimate us general students."

"I'm not here to do such trivial things. There's no point in beating a fallen opponent. I'm here to make you a proposal, what was your name again?"

"So you remember my placing in the calvary battle yet you don't know my name?"

"It's embarrassing isn't it. Now on to my proposal."

Y/N held out his hand to the boy.

"Lend me your Quirk Shinso. It'll give me more abilities to use but also give you a chance to get some recognition. In a sense, your spirit will be passed onto me."

"No. I'm not giving my Quirk to you. I'll forge my own path. I'm not gonna let someone else carry me all the way."

With that Shinso parted ways with Y/N.
Y/N frowned.

"Where will be your pride once you get forgotten."
"Now that lunch is over, it's finally time to reveal the last game! But before that, there's good news for all of you who didn't make it to the finals! This is just a sports festival! So we've prepared recreational games that everyone can participate in, too! We've even brought real cheerleaders from America to liven things up! Huh? What are they doing? What's the matter, Class-A? What kind of fan service is that?"

The girls in Class-A were seen in cheerleader outfits. They conversed a bit before Present Mic spoke again.

"All right, everyone! Let's have fun competing in the recreational games!

When that's over, the sixteen from the four teams that made it to the final round will duke it out tournament style, one-on-one!"

Y/N felt excited.

A tournament? I've always wanted to be in one. Ever since I saw it on TV. I didn't have Whitesnake back then though. This time is different. This time

"I'll win, no matter what."

Midnight lifted a box with the words 'Lots' on it.

"Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket. Once the bracket is determined, we'll have the recreational games and then start. The sixteen finalists can choose whether or not they want to participate in the recreation. I'm sure some of you want to rest or save your strength. Now, from the first place team.."
Someone raised their hand from the crowd.

"Um, excuse me."

It was Ojiro. The tail kid.

"I'm withdrawing."

Y/N looked shocked. His face showed signs of confusion.

Why? Why would you pass up such an opportunity?

"I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until almost the end. I think it was that guy's Quirk. I know that this is a great chance and that it's foolish to waste it. But—

Everyone here competed by giving their all! I can't... I can't be up there with everyone without knowing what really happened."

Another kid from Class-B walked up to Midnight.

"I'm Niregeki Shoda from Class-B. I also want to withdraw for the same reason blah blah blah blah blah.

This is what would've happened if I remembered that some people actually withdrew. God I'm so dumb. I should've let Bakugo's team lose and replace Ojiro and Shoda. Anyways.
"This is the bracket based on the result of the drawing!"

Y/N looked at his future opponents.

"Looks like I'm against Ashido next. I feel bad for her."

"Eh?! Why are you feeling bad for me? I'm totally gonna beat you down."

The word 'Recreation' replaced the brackets on the screen.

"All right! Let's leave the tournament aside for a momentary interlude! Let's have fun with the recreation! First is the scavenger hunt!"
After the recreational games, the tournament started.

"Hey guys, are you ready?!"

The crowd cheered from the seats.

"A lot's happened, but it's now come to this! A serious battle! You can only depend on yourself! Even if you're not a hero, you'll face lots of situations like that! You get it, right? Heart, skill, body, wisdom, and knowledge! Use all of that to rush up!"
Y/N sat with Iida and Uraraka, watching Midoriya's battle with Mineta.

Once Present Mic gave the cue to start, Midoriya easily overpowered Mineta. Y/N laughed.

"He stood no chance! Did you guys see how he tried so hard to run around the arena. You can't run from the inevitable."

Uraraka interrupted Y/N.

"Don't say that! He clearly tried his best!"

"Looks like his best wasn't enough. Good effort though."
Time skip, thx King Crimson. (Reason: all these battles don't matter)

It was finally his fight. Ashido vs him. Y/N remembered the fight between Shiozaki and Kaminari.

Kaminari was unprepared. Underestimating the opponent. I will not fall down that same trap.

"Ashido, whatever happens here. Whatever the result, no hard feelings?"

"Of course not! It's just a festival."

"Good, then I won't feel bad about going all out."

Ashido charged at Y/N, her acid allowing her to skate on the floor incredibly fast. In an instant, she was able to close the distance between Y/N and her. Immediately, she went for an uppercut to his jaw.

But then her jaw breaker passed through his body. A light tap pushed her off her feet and onto the ground.

"And just like that, Y/N is victorious! Ashido is out of bounds!"

The floor beneath her started to fade away. The ground where she thought Y/N was shifted. Ashido looked shocked.

"So you've finally figured it out."

Y/N appeared behind her, as if out of thin air.

"I made an illusion, and you fell right into it. It was a valiant effort, but we both know you had no chance."

Y/N pointed a finger to his forehead.

"You were too reckless. Had you been more careful, you might've noticed the fog. The signature sign that I used my ability."

With that, Y/N stepped off the stage.
Y/N sat in the waiting room. He held a disc in his right hand. A branch was sitting on the table. The branch he took from Father Bonsai's corpse. A symbol of his past.

I'm sorry Father...but I'll have to make use of this

In his hand was the first disc he ever stole, and the first life he took.

"There's no way for me to beat Todoroki without this."

"For such a disgusting user, his Quirk is quite useful"
Hey guys, hope you're doing well. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. For the thing in the 1k special, I'll leave a clue on what it is next chapter. Well probably next chapter. Anyways, have a good mother fuckin day!

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