Chapter 30: Rero Rero Rero

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"The Tentacle Green Hero Agency."

Y/N stood outside a giant building. The windows and walls having a slight tint of green to them. A poster hung from the wall.

50% OFF! Mr. Green's Birthday!

Y/N took a step, and another, and another. He reached out and swung open the double window doors. A receptionist sitting in front of him, doing some paperwork. She was a middle aged woman, with small hints of wrinkles here and there. She looked up once she heard the doors open.

"Hello there! Welcome to Tentacle Green Hero Agency. How may we help you on this fine day?"

Y/N walked up to her. He held out his UA ID for her to see.

"I'm the new intern. Pleasure to meet you. Would you kindly guide me to Mr. Green's office?"

"Unfortunately, Mr. Green is on his lunch break. He currently not in his office. Would you like to make an appointment with him?"

Y/N frowned. Whitesnake appeared beside him. Y/N pulled in closer to her face.

"Just tell me where he is earth woman."

The lady was shaking a bit.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid I don't know."

"I think you're hiding something."

Whitesnake was about to take her memory disc when a hand grabbed it.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't touch my employees."

Y/N turned around. A man wearing a green suit stood right behind him.

He had red luscious hair curled around his head. A noodle of hair hung by his face. He had two scars on his eyes, hidden behind his sunglasses.

"Walk with me to my office, we have much to discuss."
Y/N sat down at the seat presented to him. The man sat at his desk and placed his elbows on surface.

"So you're the new intern, Y/N Pucci I presume?"

"Indeed sir."

"We'll have to go over some ground rules first. These are of the upmost importance, so listen carefully.

Number 1: Don't harass any of the employees who work here, they are essential to the agency. I handpicked them myself of course.

Number 2: Obey every order I give you. I don't want you going against my will when I need it most.

And number 3: Pass my test."

"Test? What do you mean?"

The man stood up. He faced to the large window to the right of his desk.

"Look outside right now... what do you see."

Y/N walked next to him and peered out the glass.

"I see a portal to the outside. The outside of a world that is supported on the labor of those who are less fortunate. This window is a symbol of hope to those trapped here that there might be something beyond this stone ocean. Something worth the work. Something worth waiting for. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night."


The man looked confused.

"I meant these tentacles around the buildings near us."

"Oh. Uh, yeah."

"What was all that stuff about hope and labor?"

"Uh.. hm? Nothing."

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