Chapter 67: Do or Die

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It was dark in the night. Y/N jumping from rooftop to rooftop with a backpack on him.

Inside it, contained the green orb left over from his experience at the camp.

Just in case he ever wakes up. If, he ever wakes up.

He didn't exactly know where he was going. After all, the villains must have an extremely secretive hiding spot if they've survived this long from the heroes.

I couldn't even ask Ice to tell where it is. Another negative to killing people.

He jumped straight into the air, looking down to see if anything seemed like the perfect location for a villain hideout.

And he saw two places.

"Either the eerie mansion with a dark atmosphere and menacing symbols floating out of it.. orrrr the cafe literally broken apart and smoke coming out with heroes jumping around left and right."

He rubbed his chin. Whitesnake flipped a coin and turned it on the back of his hand.

"Cafe it is. Finally, I can atone for the sins I have committed against you, God."

Y/N started to fall out of the air he was seemingly floating in.

His leg stretched out like he was about to do the highest dive kick he's ever recorded. Of course, Whitesnake was there to decrease the damage to his knees.

But that's not the point here. The point is, Y/N's entrance looked hella cool.


A white shining trail left behind Y/N's descent.


BAM! (or insert explosion noise here)

The smoke cleared from the impact Y/N made on the ground. The sight of dozens of Nomus came to him once the dust settled down.

"Looks like I was right to pick this one."

All Might saw what made the gigantic hole in the building.

"Young Pucci?! What are you doing here?"

"I didn't mean to make such a flashy entrance, but it is what it is I guess."

He put one of his hands onto his hip. Whitesnake standing proud next to him.

"You need to get out of here, now!"

"I don't think I will. Don't you need an extra set of hands? Or two."

"...You're not even a proper Hero yet. Don't try to help here! You're only going to get in the way!"

"Your words won't dissuade me. I'm not doing this because I'm a good person, nor am I doing this for you. I'm doing this for my own self pride."

"I see my words won't affect you. Fine, then we shall fight side by side. I'll be putting my trust on you."

Y/N smiled. He didn't expect that to be this easy.

"Alright. Let's do this."

Y/N took his position back to back of All Might. The Nomus around them flew in from every direction. Y/N's concentration was pumped up to the maximum.

But what he didn't notice, was All Might behind him with his arm in the air.

"I'll be trusting, for you to stay out of this."



Y/N's barely conscious body fell to the ground.

"Kamui Woods. Get Pucci out of here. I don't want any other students to get kidnapped."

"Yes, Sir!"

Wood grew at an alarming rate straight at Y/N, about to pluck him away from his destiny.

I... can't... not here... I haven't even done anything yet. How am I supposed to redeem myself... with all these obstacles in the way..

Why must God put these obstacles here.

I have to prevail!

Just before Kamui Wood's tendrils reached Y/N, the silver smoke that brought the Nomus enveloped his body.

Y/N watched as his body was dragged away from the heroes, as well as away from his consciousness.

Road to Heaven Pucci x MHAOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz