Chapter 51: One More

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Y/N slid a disc into his head. The hole in his chest closed up at an incredible speed. He then inserted the disc into Polnareff's head. His injuries also healed quickly, however it did not wake him up.

He heard a small 'ding!' from somewhere. He looked around and saw Vanilla I've walking in with another wheelchair.

"Good work Pucci. You may have some potential after all."

He carried Polnareff up bridal style and placed his body on the wheelchair. He motioned for Y/N to follow him up the elevator.

The ride up was filled with silence. Not the awkward silence, but rather a silence that was quite calming. Only the quiet sound of elevator music hung in the background.
Polnareff opened his eyes. He looked around. This place... it feels... familiar? But he's never seen anything like this. There were beige looking buildings all around him. The city had a desert feel to it.

He looked down at his body. His eyes widened. His legs were back!

Polnareff patted the ground around him. He then touched his face. And then pinched his cheek.


He recoiled in pain.

"At least I know this isn't fake... or is it?"

He heard something around the corner of buildings.

"I must end him beyond a shadow of a doubt! By chopping his head off with this!

Polnareff stood up. He stumbled around. It getting easier to walk around with his new legs. His head popped out from around the corner. He saw a man jumping in the air with a stop sign, attempting to harm another man on the ground. The man on the ground looked familiar.

"Wait that's.. Jotaro!"

Polnareff jumped into action. Literally. He jumped behind the man that was in the air.


Polnareff tried to summon Silver Chariot.. but nothing happened. Nothing appeared next to Polnareff.

He fell on top of the man with the stop sign, only to get launched away instantly by something. Polnareff was sent flying into a wall.
Polnareff woke up with a jolt. He pinched himself again, just to be sure this wasn't a dream as well.

"Man, I am useless without my stand. I should try to change that."

Polnareff turned his head to the right to see Y/N starting into his soul. He nearly jumped out of the bed he was in.

"WHA- Oh, it's you. You scared me there."

Y/N put his hand inside his pocket and pulled something out. A disc.

"I was here to return this once you woke up."

He handed the disc to Polnareff. Polnareff saw Silver Chariot's image on the disc. He took the disc and looked at it intensely. Then he handed the disc back to Y/N.

"You can keep it. You deserved it. I'm to old to make good use of it now. And after all, you did beat the final test. It is only natural for you to get a reward for your hard work."

"Well... Thank you sir. This will be.. extremely helpful. To entrust me with your very soul. It's flattering."

"It's nothing. It's almost time for you to go back to the school, isn't it? We should ready you up for that."

Polnareff tried sitting up from the bed. Y/N pushed him back on the bed.

"I'll handle it myself. You just stay here."

Polnareff watched as Y/N walked away.

"Proud of him."
Sorry for the short chapter. Just felt like ending this chapter here I stand of moving on to the Jolyne Fight.

Anyways, have a good mother fuckin day!

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