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Izuku Midoriya walked slowly down a busy street where his friend Y/N Pucci used to live.

His feet felt like they were being weighed down upon by tons of steel.

It had been a few days since the incident. Ever since that day, Y/N Pucci was wiped off the grid. There wasn't a single trace of him left.

The news channels and stations kept Pucci as their main topic for the first two weeks, only to drop it once more interesting news came up.

Eventually, people started seeing Y/N Pucci as a threat. The man who murdered their number 1 hero and took all the credit for himself. Even the news channels mentioned earlier started to get on the hate bandwagon.

There were large mobs of people at night going around and trying to find Y/N, to no avail. As if his entire existence was erased from society.

Midoriya looked up in the sky. He remembered the scene on the TV when All For One faced off against Y/N. The explosion of energy followed by a beat down by Y/N. He remembered rooting for Y/N, for the only hope left to beat this monstrosity.

Sure, Midoriya was upset that Y/N seemed to have killed All Might, witnesses and another hero said that it was also Y/N who brought him back to life.

But the fact that he killed All Might in the first place bothered him.

Y/N was never the type to kill someone just for more power. He always helped those whenever he could.

Midoriya kept walking.

I need to get over this. Worrying about Y/N won't get me anywhere. All it'll do is make me perform worse.

He looked over the horizon.

But he was one of my classmates. My friends. I can't just forget about him so easily.

He looked down at his hands.

I don't know. I really don't know.

Something tipped him over and almost made him fall. Just before falling, the man who pushed him grabbed hold of his hand.

"Sorry about that."

He helped Midoriya up and walked away. When Midoriya looked down at his hand, there was a little note left in it. On it, was written a location.


He looked back to find the man, but he was already long gone.

Midoriya stepped into the dark shadows of the warehouse. Although his brain warned him of the dangers that a random address could pose, his heart proceeded to the location.

"Is anyone there?"

Not a single sound responded back to him. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"I knew it. It was just a random address. Or a poorly set trap. I shou-"

When he opened his eyes again, he was in a completely new environment.

"What?! Where am I?"

"Don't be too shocked. You've experienced far too much to be worried about this."

Midoriya looked behind him to see a man wearing a long purple coat with yellow accents.

"Wait, you're an ex pro hero! Platinum Sun!"

The man grunted while putting one of his hands up to his hat.

"Good grief, what a horrible hero name. I should've never let that old man do it for me."

Road to Heaven Pucci x MHAWhere stories live. Discover now