Chapt 15: More Competition...

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"Greetings. It feels like summer is just around the corner. As for you, sir, I hope that this letter finds you well. Since spring I have been a teacher at UA high school. I have taken on the risk of guiding the new generation. I thought to find someone worthy. To inherit my power among the most promising students. However, before I took up my post a UA, I met a young man. Even though this young man had no Quirk, he rushed toward the scene. In a situation where a pro heroes, including myself, hesitated, using white power he had to try to find a way out of the situation. He may not have had a plan in mind at the time. Even so, he ran. I feel like I relearned from that young man The essence of what are you all must be in order to be worthy to be a hero. That is why I told him, 'You can become a hero.' I proposed to transfer my Quirk to him. Low power cultivated by one person, Who passes it on to another person, who also cultivates it and passes it on. The crystallization of the power that spins together. The voices of those who need help with a courageous heart—One For All. The young man inherited my power without hesitation and underwent training to be accepted into the hero course at UA High School. Even as he struggled with his new Quirk, he kept giving his all to make it his own. I'm proud of him. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I do not regret passing on One For All to him at all. There was also another young man. He has the potential to be an amazing hero, especially with his powerful Quirk. Although missing some aspects of a hero, he was one of the only people who bested my in a battle of wits. The day may come when I must trouble you, my old teacher. I'm counting on you when that time comes. Please take care of yourself as the seasons change. I will continue to keep you updated on my circumstances. Sincerely yours."

"The boy acknowledged by Toshinori, huh?"
Y/N sat in the back of the class. He was spacing out looking through the window. Everything faded away around him. A child popped up in his mind.

"Everyone! Morning home room is about it to start! Stop talking and take your seats!"

Iida's yelling snapped Y/N back to reality.

"How bout you get in your own seat!"

Iida noticed he was the only one who wasn't in his seat. He quickly sat down and shook in his seat.


Someone spoke at the doorway.


Y/N turned his head to see who was speaking. Everyone in the class said simultaneously,

"Mr. Aizawa, you're back too soon!"

Iida asked, "So you're all right, Mr. Aizawa?"

"My well-being doesn't matter. More importantly, the fight is not yet over."

Y/N was confused.

"More villains?"

Mr Aizawa's eyes could be seen through the overwhelmingly amount of bandages wrapped around him. Although he looked like a mummy, you could still see some expression.

"The UA sports festival is drawing near."

"That's a super normal school event!"

"Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jiro asked

"What if they attack us again or something...?" Ojiro asked.

Y/N answered for Mr. Aizawa.

"It's for appearance's sake. Showing how the school is still strong after a villain attack. It'll even discourage future villain attacks as the festival will show how even after villains attack, it won't have any affect on the school."

"Correct, but it's also a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villains."

Mr. Aizawa continued,

"Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. Time is limited. If you expect to go pro, the the path to your future will open up at this event. One chance a year, a total of just three chances. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Home room is dismissed."
Sorry for not updating yesterday, I forgot to publish it. Honestly I didn't really like this chapter. Anyways, have a good mother fuckin day!

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