Chapter 68: Life on the Line

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When Y/N finally woke up, he was met with a daunting scene.

A man with no facial features other than his mouth sat on a throne look down upon him.

"Y/N Pucci I presume?"

"Where am I? How did I get here?"

"Another one of my abilities of course. How else could you get here? But that's something to discuss later."

He stood up and walked over to Y/N's body, still weak from All Might's tap on his shoulder.

"I'm here to make you an offer. Join my side.."


"Do I need to repeat myself? Join the League of Villains."

Y/N sat up.

"And why should I do that? I'm a hero after all."

"Or are you? I've seen your actions behind U.A's back. Do you really consider yourself a hero after the things you've done?"

Y/N took a step back.

"How? How do you know? Who even are you?"

"Oh I know a lot of things. But the most important thing I know, is that it's not healthy to reject your inner self."

The mysterious man stretched out his hand.

"All For One. That is my name. Join me, Y/N Pucci, and accept yourself. Be one with your true soul."

He hesitated.

"I.. I can't. My friends. My allies. They're counting on me. I can't let them down now."

"Allies? Who of which do you speak of? The girls that blamed you instead of the clear culprit? The students who blame you for the capture of their friend? Or perhaps.."

All For One took out a picture of Iida.

"The student who fakes his friendship with you?"

All For One spread out his hands while looking up at the darkened sky.

"Just look at how your so called friends left you in this wasteland! Do you really consider them comrades after witnessing this?"

The words that creeped out of All For One's mouth were slowly getting processed by Y/N's brain.

"So join me. Find your purpose away from these fake friends of yours. Accept your villain side!"

Y/N was about to take his hand.. but he stopped.


He remembered the first time he got his power. His stand. The whole reason for applying for U.A in the first place.

"I know my purpose. To fulfill God's wishes. But on that journey, I strayed away from his holy light. I'm not so sure why, but he felt the need to put so many obstacles in my way.

But what's important, is that I won't be falling for your temptations!"

Y/N lunged at All For One. Whitesnake jumped in front of him and jabbed at the villain's face.

"As you wish."

He pushed Y/N away with another one of his Quirks through a concrete wall.


He slid across the rocky ground until the momentum slowed down.

When Y/N finally opened his eyes, they met Bakugo; looking at him from above.


"Oh. Hey Bakugo. I was wondering where you went off to."

All For One entered the scene, summoning villains from portals springing out from the air.

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