Chapter 72: Gravity

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"Looks like I won't need to hold back anymore."

All For One raised his arm at Y/N.

"Even you can't survive this at full power. You're as good as dead."

Another shockwave blasted from All For One's palm. Y/N did nothing but stand there, awaiting the attack.

"Don't get cocky just because of a cosmetic change!"

The green figure walked in front of Y/N and touched the ground. A small indentation was made into the ground in a line.

The shockwave finally met with Y/N, blowing away debris and rubble along the way. The wind blew hard at everything surrounding Y/N, but none laid a finger on him.


Once the attack was over, all that's was left was a plateau that Y/N was standing on. He stood confidently behind a translucent purple wall.

"I don't recommend you underestimate the power of stand evolution."

All For One sent another shockwave at
Y/N. This time, he was looking carefully to see how Y/N disabled his attack so easily.

Once the air met with the transparent wall, it was immediately pulled down and nullified.

"How? That doesn't make any sense. I've never seen such an interesting Quirk before."

Y/N stared deep into All For One.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

The green being swiftly ran in front of All For One.

"I didn't even see him."

Before All For One could react, it punched All For One's gut at a blinding speed.

All For One hunched over from the pain.

"This power.."

The green figure stepped back and kicked him away. All For One was sent flying through wall after wall.

Eventually, he stopped on an extremely hard object.

"Damn.. it's almost ten times stronger than before. What is this?!"

"Something you'll never hope to achieve."


All For One turned around. The hard object he stopped on turned out to be Y/N's fist, camouflaged in the stone wall.

"I told you not to underestimate stand evolution, didn't I?"

All For One swung at Y/N with his enlarged arm. A quick jab to his chin halted his advance.

"Maybe I need to show you an example before you really get it."

Y/N placed his hand in front of All For One.

"Just a single touch."

His index finger tapped All For One's face.

He felt the skin on his face morph. His skull structure contort and fold in on itself as flesh and brain mass was thrown outside of his body.

All For One couldn't even talk. His body unable to get commands from his brain.

Until, everything went back to normal.

"You really thought I would end it so quickly? Such a death would be too generous for you."

All For One felt something pull him back away from Y/N. His velocity increased every second he kept moving.

It felt as if he was falling.

"What is this power?! It's changing the entire world around us!"

He stopped himself on a half destroyed building and tried to think things through.

"My first few attacks were completely nullified by the defensive use of his Quirk. All the energy was pulled down..

Pulled down. And I was just pulled down into this building here. It was like I was in free fall. But to think it's this powerful

I get it now, his power..


Loud footsteps behind him broke through his train of thought.

"You seem a bit calm. I don't think you really understand the gravity of your situation."

All For One punched through a wall and towards the voice. He felt his fist hit something.

"Ooo. You're not quite done after all."

The rest of the wall broke down and revealed Y/N's head bent back after taking All For One's attack head on.

"But you really think you can just slow down and relax in a middle of a fight?"

The green being formed in front of Y/N and sandwiched All For One's arm between its two fists.

All For One's arm turned inside out in an excruciating manner. But before the rest of his body could be compromised, he chopped off his arm.

"Oo. Sacrificing your arm so easily? No hesitation. But I can't help but notice...

It's not coming back."

All For One stepped back to make a plan.

This power is unbeatable. If only I could get close to his main body without that thing in the way.

"Is it possible..

No regen?"

Y/N looked at All For One mockingly. Then he burst into laughter.

"To cut off your hand without anything to bring it back! How hilarious."

Y/N recomposed himself.

"I see your bravery. I've decided to tell you his name as a reward for this courage."

The green figure stood by Y/N's side.

"C-Moon. That is what I have decided to call my stand."

"So I was right. You telling me your Quirk's name proves it."

"Oh? So you finally figured it out. Get a good grasp on my ability?"

Y/N pointed a finger at All For One.

"Just finding out now after such a long time of battle..

Just proves your pathetic intelligence."

His wrist flicked down and pointed at the ground.

All For One's body came crushing down. The pressure on his back broke some of his ribs on impact with the ground, despite being at such a low altitude difference.


I've felt this type of pressure before! When he was first awakening his Quirk! I should've figured it out there.

"It's impossible to defeat me now, can't you tell? How do you fight the power of gravity itself? It's like fighting the rules of nature!"

Y/N stepped on his head.

"You may be the strongest villain in the world, but will someone like you even hold a candle to something like me? Even when my foot is crushing your skull with thousands of tons. I think not. Farewell,

You pathetic villain."
AFO: Step on me harder 😫
Y/N: what
AFO: what

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