Chapter 12: It's Mine >:D

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Wait Whitesnake! Stop!!

Whitesnake kept walking off.

"God has intended this for do not resist"

Whitesnake dashed away leaving Y/N there as a disfigured mess. Blood seeped from his wounds. It soaked into the crater below him.

Meanwhile to the right of him was Mr Aizawa. His face was smashed in. His elbow was broken and cracked. Turns out his Quirk isn't very useful against overwhelming power.

Y/N tried to control his breathing. If he can't get sufficient oxygen, he was going to faint. He emptied out his lungs and took a long breath. There was a sharp pain in his chest. He made his breathing go to a rhythm in order to calm himself down.

His pain subsided. He felt like he was laying on clouds. Warmth enveloped his body. Sparks jumped off from his skin. If there was anyone looking, they would've seen a glowing man.
All Might speeds towards Aizawa while simultaneously kicking away the villains who tried to stop him. On the way he knocked a hand off from the face of the hand fetish man. He ordered Midoriya and Tsuyu to take Aizawa away.

Before All Might could save Y/N, the large muscular bird intervened. The Nomu took a cross attack from All Might without even flinching. It threw its arms forward in an attempt to grab All Might. All Might ducked under them before punching it in the stomach. He slammed his fists into its head twice before it roared in his face. All Might dashed backwards with Nomu in close pursuit. As the fight went on the man with hands said

"It doesn't work die cause of shock absorption. In order to cause damage to Nomu, it would be most effective to slowly gouge out his flesh. Whether he'd let you do that or not is a different issue, though."

All Might went for a suplex on Nomu. A giant explosion was created from the force extorted by All Might. As the dust cloud cleared the full image was shown. Half of All Might's body was inside a warp created by the purple smoke villain. Nomu stabbed All Might at his weak point with his sharp claws.

Midoriya ran towards All Might, leaving Mr Aizawa for Tsuyu. When he got closer Kurogiri  sprung out from the ground blocking his way. Bakugo seemingly came out of nowhere and blasted him. Ice spread from Todoroki's foot and covered the right side of Nomu's body.


Whitesnake came out from his hiding spot behind a large pile of rocks. Smoke crawled out of his mouth. Everyone started to get dizzy. They all went into their own dreamland.

A menacing aura surrounded Whitesnake. He walked up to All Might and knelt over. He thrust his hand into All Night's hand and pulled out a bone. He turned around and stood in-front of Nomu. Whitesnake pulled out a disc from within Nomu.

"Shock absorption...extremely useful. Now the path to ours."
Hope you guys enjoyed! God is this shorter than before? Damn I'm getting worse at this. Anyways, have a good mother fuckin day!

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