Chapter fourteen part two

Comenzar desde el principio

"Damen, please just trust me on this one. My powers have grown so much its crazy" I begged him, and it was true what i said. I don't think that even he ever thought that my powers would grow so much, that I would be so powerful. I looked eyes with him, never once breaking contact until he agreed. "Okay baby, but please don't get hurt" he said, a small smile on his face. "I wont" I promised him before I pulled his face down to meet mine for one more kiss. As the kiss deepened everything around us started to disappear until eventually I was back in the cave with Lianna passed out on the floor.

"Lianna" I called out to her, I didn't trust that she really was unconscious as she appeared to be. For all I know she could be faking it just to catch me out, I mean I wouldn't put it past her. When she didn't answer me I slowly walked over to her. "Lianna" I called her again, nudging her with my foot this time. But still she didn't answer, she didn't even mumble or blink. nothing, it was like she was dead but it was obvious that she wasn't, I could clearly see her chest move in and out every time she breathed a breath.

This was my chance to run, to go to Damen and Angel. Without a second thought I fled from makeshift bedroom, but slowed down when I came to the main cave where all of Lianna's men were. I could hear then talking and laughing, like they didn't have a care in the world. And I suppose that at this very moment they didn't. I tried to keep my breathing under control but the adrenalin was coursing through my veins was making it impossible for me to breath normal. Every breath I took was jagged and loud, making it audible to her men.

"And what do we have here?" A tall, overly muscular man said walking over to stand in front of me. I didn't answer him, instead I just stared at him and the others. "Are you lost, little one?" he asked me, his voice thick with sarcasm. Again I didn't answer him, I couldn't waist time with banter. I have to think of a way to get free, Lianna is already unconscious. All's I need now is to find a way to get free of these men. "Where is our Queen?" someone shouted from the audience of men in front of me. "In there" I finally spoke. But my voice came out all cracked, not clear. "Why is she still in there why you are out here?" the man in front of me asked. "She's sleeping" I said with a giggle. It wasn't like I lied, technically she is asleep. Well she's not dead is she?.

"Grab her" the man shouted to his friends as he turned and ran to Lianna's aid. I struggled and faught as much as I could with the men, but there was no point. There were too many of them and just one of me so eventually they tackled me to the ground and tied my arms behind my back, leaving me with no choice but to give in. They pushed my face into the ground so hard I could feel a warm liquid dripping out from my mouth.

"What have you don't to her?" the muscular one screamed at me, running back into the room with Lianna in his arms. I didn't answer, instead I just laughed. That earned me a slap from one of the men holding me down. "Answer him" he said, bending down so his face was in mine. "Nothing" I said then spat the blood from my mouth in his face. "You little bitch" he said then slapped my hard before wiping my blood from his face. "You will pay for that" he threatened then lifted his arm in the air as he want to hit me again....




I came back to reality surrounded by fairies, each one of them had a look on there face like they were seeing a crazy man. I can't blame them thou, if they have just seen what I have then I suppose were all a little crazy. "What was that?" A fairy who's name I think was Air asked. I didn't answer her, I couldn't find my voice. I was still in shock at seeing Liza, she looked fantastic in the white dress. It looked more like a wedding dress to be honest, and it fitted her perfectly. Emphasizing her tiny waist and proofing out at the hips slightly, showing her tiny hour glass. It's the kind of dress I would love to see her in on our wedding day.

"What just happened to you?" the little fairy asked me when I didn't answer her the first time. "Liza" was all's that I could say, i couldn't get any more words past my lips. "What about her?" she asked me again, looking even more panicked now. "sh.....she's co..coming" I stuttered out, staring blankly in front of me. Trying to hard to keep the image of Liza in my mind, to keep it there locked away so I could never loose it.

"What?" Air asked me, looking confused. "I....I was just wi....with her" I tried to explain but i kept stuttering. I took a deep breath then continued. "We were in a clearing, both of us wearing white clothes. She looked so beautiful. I told her about Angel and she promised that she would come find us. That she would escape from Lianna again" I explained to them as best I could, but I was still a little too shocked myself to go into to much detail.


Okay I wrote this once but wattpad wouldn't let me publish it so i saved it as a draft. Then wattpad went down for like two days, when it came back up wattpad had deleted it. So this is the second time I have wrote it. If its really bad then I'm sorry, but I don't have time to spend too much time on this chapter when I promised it would be up on the weekend.

I will make the next chapter better, I promise. So comment, like, vote and fan to show me that you love me xXx

Mommy dearest, why do you want me dead?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora