19) I dont have to do it forever

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It's the next day and i was outside with Stefan and Damon. Elena and Bonnie were inside while Elena signed the house papers. Stefan, Damon and i didnt wanna die being in there without her inviting us so yea.

"You really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?" Damon asked.

"She said she'd channel enough witch's power to kill him" Stefan said. "Elija thought that would work and was an Original, so"

"We just need to find him" i said.

"Yea" Stefan said.

"Could she do one of those witch tracking spells?" Damon asked.

"Nope. Not without something that belongs to Klaus" Stefan said. "Believe me, i already asked"

"Do you think he killed her?" Damon asked.

"Kathrine?" i asked.

"Probably" Stefan said.

"Not like she didnt have it coming" Damon said.

"Yea" Stefan said quietly.

Then the door opened. Elena let Mr. Henry, the person to help sign the papers, out. We all began to walk towards the living room, even Elena, until me Damon and Stefan got stopped at the doorway.

Elena turned to look at us before walking back towards us.

"I'm so sorry, i completely forgot" Elena said. "Stefan" i looked at her with disbelief. "Would you like to come inside my house?"

"I would love to. Thank you" Stefan said and walked in.

"If you dont say my name i will personally kill you" i said.

"Fine, Emily. Would you like to come in?" she asked.

"Hm" i said and thought for a moment. "Sure"

I walked in and we all looked at Damon. Well, they looked at him with a serious look while i smirked at him.

"What are we, 12?" Damon asked.

"One of us is" Elena asked.

"Which one?" i asked. Elena turned and gave me a look "You do the same amount of stupid stuff as he does. In my opinion, Stefan is the only one with actual sanity out of the four of us"

"Thank you" Stefan said.

"If i let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?" Elena asked.

"Say no!" i said.

"Seriously Emily" Elena said.

"Fine" i sighed. Elena turned back to Damon.

"No" he said and i smiled.

"My way. You promised. I call the shots" Elena said.

"Terrible decision really" i said.

"No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?" she continued, ignoring me.

"Yes, Elena. Sure" Damon said.

"Then please, come in" she said, and Damon walked in. I made a smug face and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Shut up" he said to me as he walked past and i laughed a bit.

"It's still funny" i said following him.

We all walked to the living room and me and Damon stood next to the drink area. He was pouring two glasses and gave me one. I nodded a thanks and took a drink.

Bonnie came out the hall and gave Elena a jacket.

"Thanks" she said.

"Wait, where are you going?" Stefan said.

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