"Ah-am no really I-Im fine all by myself, do-don't  come near me, please." Jennie said, she is so scared right now and wishes that someone can save and take her away from these people.

"Don't be scared, we'll not ganna hurt you, we will just gonna have fun while you wait hmm, okay." The man said while walking closer to Jennie but before he could make a step, a fist landed on his face, he stepped back and shook his head, he could see black spot because of the strong blow he received by the sudden punch.

The other man and his companion catch and support him until he regen his consciousness, he clench his fist and hissed in pain. Looking at the man who just landed a fist on his face.

"Who are you huh? Stay out of my business." The man said angrily to the man in front of him.

"You don't deserve to know me, but you almost touch her, that you  weren't supposed to touch and what is mine in the firat place, Mister."  The unknown man said while protecting Jennie at his back, Jennie sniffed because of what the man said that was  protecting her, right now.

"When did i become his?" She thought.

"HAHAHAHAHA what's yours? Nice joke man, hey kid! Is this the one you've been waiting for? Is this your little boyfriend~~ HAHAHA you know man, I have a suggestion.. What if we share he- PAK!" The man didn't get to finish talking because the mysterious man started beating him and his companion was trying to help him.

Liam PoV

The moment I hear the man's next word, my anger blind me and starts beating the shit out of the man and his companion who's getting in my way, I didn't stop even the man was unconscious, I punch his face until it can't be recognized by the too much blood, I only stop when suddenly a small figure back hugging me while choking because to much of crying.

I calm down while looking at the man underneath me  who's badly beaten up, then I stand up, removing the arm of the girl from my waist then turns around to look at her, fixing her hair.

"Are you okay?" I ask, looking at the girl who is looking down, sniffing.

"Am, forget it, that's a stupid question. Err, are you hurt? Where? Let me see." I said while checking her arms if there's any cut, I sigh in relief when I didn't find one, I pulled her into my arm and hugged her.

I can feel she snifted because of the sudden hug. "Err, am... Thank you for saving me, you can release me now, am... mister?" She said before pulling away from my grips while slowly looking at me.

She widened her eyes when she saw the person who saved her now was the same person who saved her years ago.

"Li-li?" Jennie asks looking at the handsome man in front of her.

I pretend that I didn't know her and asks. "Lili?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, errr I mean Mr. Manoban, t-thank you." She said in a low voice, secretly sighing in disappointment she thought that he would remember her.

"It's okay, by the way why are you alone? From what I've remembered, the class just ended an hours ago, why are you still here? It's dangerous especially for a girl like you, miss??" I said

"Err Jennie, Jennie Kim, am... my car tires are flat and my driver can't pick me up because her wife is giving birth and the other driver is with my father I'm just waiting for an taxi to pass by s-sir." She explains while looking down shyly. Cute.

"Okay Miss Kim, come I give you a ride and call my company to send someone to pick up and fix your car." Liam said.

"B-but I—"

My Liam Oppa ( JENLISA/JENLIAM AU)Where stories live. Discover now