Chapter 43

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Y/ns pov

"What did you just call me!?"

"My bad that was insensitive golden boy."

He seemed deeply pissed off by the comment as he crosses his arms and stares down at me... at least I think. He doesn't have eyes, but rather a bucket. On his face.

"I recommend watching your tone with me! Do you realize who you're talking to!?"

"Am I supposed to?"

What an ego this bucket head had.

"I am your superior! I am the Golden Gaurd! My uncle owns this ship and every ship, so be careful of what you say to me, or else I'll have you walk the plank!"

"Well, that's stupid."

The bucket stared at me in silence. 

"Didn't you just hear me!? I said watch your mou-"

"Do you actually go by the Golden Gaurd? I feel like bucket head fits more."

He stands in silence once again. 

"What the hell is wrong with you? No literally like what the hell?"

"I don't know I haven't been tested yet. So... what is the bucket a family heirloom?"


"Ah so it's one of those things... don't worry dude it's just a phase! You'll make it through this don't worry we'll find you the help you need!"

I couldn't tell if he was amused or annoyed with that golden square on his head. So I'm just gonna assume he's having a fun time.

"So what's your actual name?"

He seemed confused, his bucket obviously showed it.

"Your name, you know not your crimefighting one."


I raised an eyebrow.


"It's just... nevermind. It's none of your concern."

I sighed before leaning against the edge and sitting down. 

"And to think we were bonding. Shame on you rust head."

"Golden Gaurd."

"Same thing." 

I don't know why, but messing with him is now my favorite thing to do... it was almost like a law that from now on I have to get to know this bucket boi!

He walks over and sits down next to me. I was shocked for a second before smiling at him. I don't know why he did that but I'm not complaining. 

"So... I guess you heard emotional backstory huh?"

I heard what I believe to be a scoff.

"Oh yeah, completely emotional. Just teenage drama, not a big deal. Just drop your friends and start a new life. You need no one but yourself in life. There is no need for this thing we call friends, there just stepping stones for the future."

We sit there in silence for a few moments. 

"You must be fun at parties."

I joked looking at his face. 

"Wow, now that we're sitting here face to face. I never noticed how dreamy your eyes are."

"Har. Har."

"Oh, those dark black owl eyes really draw me in! Oh, how I'm falling for you!"

I lean on his shoulder and he jokingly pushes me off. 

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