Chapter 18

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Y/ns Pov

"Hey open up Morton!" Eda bangs on the window of the Mr. Elixir stand, "

Oh just a minute!" I walk over towards Luz who was sitting on the bench. I sit down on the bench next to her and King sits on my head. 

"Is there anything better than people-watching in the demon realm?" We look in front of us to see a huge egg roll down and stop at the egg stop. It stops and lets out a giant bird, it flys off and the people waiting at the egg stop entered the egg.

Then a nose came out too late and started chasing the egg, "Wait, wait! Oh dang it"  

"The curse of tiny legs."
"I know the pain," King mumbles on my head. The nose stands there defeated but runs off when a weird eyepatched monster-looking thing almost steps on her.

He motions for the rest of his angst crew to follow him and push over a red-ant-bull-looking thing that was tied up to the cart. 

Luz walks over to Eda and points out the sacrificial-angst club. "Woah! That is one ominous parade."

Eda turns and glares at what I believe to be an angst club. "That's no parade. Those are demon hunters."

While she was speaking weird ominous music starts playing, I look around and I notice someone playing a weird instrument.

"Dude really?"
"Sorry...I thought it was right for the mood." They pick up the instrument and walked into an alley of darkness... "Weird."

"Which I'm about to become if you don't open up Morton!" I walk over to Luz, "So what were they exactly?"

"Weren't you listening? They are demon hunters, they hunt and sell the most powerful demons!"

Angst club, demon hunters... same thing I rest my case. "Didn't you see the weird person playing the instrument?" She shook her head and looks back at Eda who was yelling at the wall.

"Sorry I was up all night poison tasting and for some reason, I don't feel too well." A boy lifts the barred window and clutches his stomach.

"I'm all out of my juice pal." Eda hands him an empty glass, I'm surprised that she didn't shatter this one like the others.

"Oh gee, let me see what I can do." He reaches down and looks for more, Luz then pokes my arm and points out Willow and Gus who were walking towards us.

We meet them halfway and they stood there with a sad expression. "Hey ya, friends! Wait, what's wrong? Who hurt my babies?"

"Did someone cut down your tree?  Aw, treehugger I'm sure you will find another tree girlfriend someday. There are plenty of trees in the forest!"

Gus slightly smiles and Willow points behind her, "Them." I look past her to see Amity standing there with three other girls.

They looked like they were having fun but Amity looked like she regretted all her life choices, as if someone brought her a pineapple pizza.

A smile makes it to my face when I see Amity yelling at her two friends as they put mentos in her soda, the three-eyed one stood behind recording them.

"What about them?"
"Amity's having a moonlight conjuring and invited everyone but me."
"And she keeps posting about it on her Penstagram account."

He summons his scroll and shows us a picture that she had just posted. "It's conjuring night, no dorks allowed!?"

"Thank you for reading that aloud for I cannot read myself." I laugh as she playfully shoves me. I'll show them a dork, I start walking towards them ignoring the calls for me to come back.

I make it towards the group and I cross my arms, "I heard you're having a Moonlight conjuring, and I was not invited? I'm deeply offended Amity you wound me." I have my hand on my heart and I fake a wince of pain.

She rolls her eyes with a chuckle, she opens her mouth about to respond when her three-eyed friend walks in front of her.

"Probably because you're a dork, and Amity here doesn't want you there. None of us do!" I look over at Amity's other friends who were watching the show go down, "Excuse me could one of you tell me who is this three-eyed interrupting freak this is?" 

She let out a gasp and puts her finger in my face, "I don't know who you think you are but no one talks to me like that!"

"Well, I'm Y/n! The girl who is about to limit you to two eyes. " She looked as though she was about to punch me, but then she backed away from my face laughing.

"What am I thinking? You're human! You have no magical ability so you can't do anything to me!" 

I smirk and I look back at the two girls, "May I have that soda and mentos?" They toss it over and I grab two mentos and I put them on the inside of the cap,

I then shake the bottle and throw it on the ground away from me which launches it in the air. It lands a few feet in front of us with its insides puffed, I walk over and grab it then turned back to three-eyes. 

"You were saying? If you're not careful I could do the same thing to your head!" I toss it towards their eyes and she catches it, her friend with her hair up points at it, "Where's the cap?" I smile,

"Must have blown off, maybe if we're lucky it will happen to her head! OOO! Or maybe your eye would pop off! Though I've never tested it on another living creature before, I wonder what would happen" I put my finger on my face in fake thinking. "Wanna find out?" I smile.

Her eyes widen and she backs away, she lets out an awkward cough, "Come on girls... this place was lame anyway..." she then walked off with the two others following her

, Amity walks up to me placing her hand on my shoulder while looking me in the eye, "Can you actually do that to people?" I shook my head and she sighed.

"I was going to ask you to teach me." We both laugh and were about to start up conversation when three-eyes voice interrupts by calling out for Amity to hurry up.

"I'll see you around dork..." As she was leaving I yelled, "IS THAT WHY IM NOT INVITED!?" I hear her chuckle before disappeared from sight. 

I walk back over to the golden trio, " That three-eyes! What a jerk! ... What's a moonlight conjuring?"
"Are you serious? You just went over there and had argued about not being invited to one, yet you don't know what it was...?"

I look over at Willow, "Just like school... I knew nothing so I winged it!"

A/n Helllooo! It is currently 3 in the morning and I am writing fanfiction! ...Yep this is what my life has come to. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Y/n has now officially gotten her first rival... I meant the only rival, not like there be others. CoughLillithcough. Anyway until next chapter, in the words of the Golden Guard and Eda...BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEE! 

(👍≖‿‿≖)👍 👍(≖‿‿≖👍)

Wtf was I thinking? Like what are those emojis ? No no no no no. (⌐■-■) We're cool now so act like it Jake. We shall sit on the league of a wall and hang. Anyone cool is welcome but you must have shades.

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