Chapter 31

565 31 9

The image above: Rwar.

May appear to be cute but do not approach unless absolutely necessary!

Danger level: Ostrich level

species: Nut hoarders

Warning: Flying nuts

Reward for keeping them away from us at the office: Gold star + 1 potato 

Y/ns Pov

"Gus, how are you HANGING IN THERE? EY!?" They groan, we were currently webbed up to the ground... well they were, my feet were stuck to the ceiling. I regret struggling. I start to swing back and forth, "I think there's some favoritism over here! One of us is stuck on the ceiling!" Uh oh. The web snaps and I fall face-first onto the dirt.

The web then sticks me to the ground, I could still move my head which was a good thing. "You know I'm actually pretty comfy." I laid my face on the dirt. "Let Owlbert and my friends go!" "No! You must prove you are worthy through trials! And I'm pretty sure that human does not want to leave!" "Y/n... remember your being held, hostage?" I shrug. "I'm cool with it."

A few hours pass involving Luz doing stupid dangerous tasks, Gus trying to get out of his web using his flags, Willow cheering Luz on, and Me! I sat there watching the world burn... I fell asleep halfway but I still watched it burn for about 20 minutes!

"You're a Palisman!" I wake up to the accusations of Luz. "Can't a girl be held hostage in peace without a traumatic backstory? My god!" They all look at me, "Just continue this is getting interesting! Such a convoluted backstory!"

She backs away from Luz and looks at her foot as though she was having a flashback, "I was made for a Giants staff! But when I broke I was abandoned, so now I help those who have been lost, hurt, or abandoned. I help[ all!" Her eyes glow bright yellow and so do the trees above, the light reveals thousands of different palisman's. One catches my eye and I look at him, he looks at me, I look at him, he looks at me~ It was a multi-colored squirrel, he walks towards the edge of the branch, he was above me now peering down at me. He leans over to get a better look then...


It sounded as though he was laughing at me! I growl and pick up the nut to launch it back at him. I throw it but because of my terrible aim it hits the branches he's sitting on. The branch starts to break, and he panics. It falls taking the squirrel with it, I rush over to catch him before he could land on the ground. I lift him up to make sure he was ok, he sticks his tongue out at me and then launches ANOTHER nut in my eye. THE AUDACITY!

I yelp dropping him before covering my eye, he rushes up the tree laughing. "You little! I otta-" I lift the nut up again but Luz takes it out of my hand then crushes it. "You're really starting a war with a squirrel?" I point up at the squirrel who was back in the tree, "He started it!" I look over to see he was mimicking me. "You two are made for each other." She laughs.

I gasp "Are you calling me a squirrel?" 

"That's not what I-"  

"Because that's pretty nuts."

"Go home. You're grounded. Bad Y/n! Bad pun." 

I was busy looking at the squirrel who was still mimicking me! "Let's just get Owlbert and get out of here." I huff, crossing my arms. The squirrel was doing the same, "That's it! It's going down!" When Luz was distracted I started to climb the tree. Using the branches as ladders I make it to his branch and I stand on it. I made the mistake of looking down, I yelp and slip. Before I could fall off the tree I grab the branch hanging there like a sloth. 

I glance up to see the squirrel looking down at me, it made some noises as though he was speaking then pulls out a silver tool from his back. "You.Wouldnt.Dare." He salutes me before using the mini chainsaw to cut the branch. I yell as the branch falls, but before I fell I dragged the squirrel down with me. He let out a yelp and we held on to each other for dear life as we fell. 

"TIMBER~" I raise him up so he doesn't feel the impact when we hit the ground. We landed in a very convenient bush, I crawled out and he was laying on my head. "Truce?" I asked exhausted. He lets out a squeak before jumping off my head onto the ground in front of me.

He starts speaking in his squirrel language then points to the branch next to the bush. "My fault!? You started it! You're the one with the chainsaw!" He starts talking louder. "Well, how was I supposed to know that nut was a gift AFTER YOU LAUNCHED IT AT MY HEAD!? And how were you even planning on getting out of that situation?" He moves his arms up and down still talking. "Oh so now you're a flying squirrel! Well if you- I- wait say something again!"

He talks once again but this time was much RUDER! "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? When I said talk I didn't mean something as disgusting as that! Wait... OH MY GOD, I CAN TALK TO SQUIRRELS! This is nu-OW" another nut was launched at my face. "What was that for!?" He starts talking again with his arms crossed. "What do you mean reused content!? I shall have you know- you know what never mind. I deserved that bad pun."

He continues talking pointing at the branch once again, my eyes widen. "What do you mean move in with me!? Nuh-uh! You chainsawed your own problem! That is a you problem! Besides, I don't even know you! How do I know you're not going to chain saw my house!?" 

He squeaks again and I start tearing up while laughing too much, "I'm-I'm sorry your name is what?" He squeaked again so I cover my mouth to muffle my laughs. He threw another nut at me, "Where do you even keep those!?" He shrugs before talking once again. I groan, "Fine! You can stay with me until you find another tree to live in but you have to make sure B.Q over there is ok with it."

He Pulls a tiny suitcase out of nowhere (LOGIC!) and runs towards Bat Queen. "Looks like you became friends after all! Why do you have leaves in your hair?" "Me, him, friends! Oh, no, no, no, no! My dear, sweet, innocent Luz! He's just staying with us temporarily! Until he finds another home or untIL HE FINDS A PLACE TO CUT IN HALF!" A nut came flying in my direction but before it could hit my face I crush it in my fist. "Not today muchacho!"

He rushes over and climbs on my shoulder, "A little warning currently there is a prank war going on." He squeaks and gives a salute. "You? You want to be my partner in crime... I would say I'm loyal to King but he did betray me so... Ok I'm in! They shall fear Y/n, the 2nd witch apprentice, queen of frogs, and recently added squirrel whisperer! And they shall also fear her partner in crime the chipmunk!" He glares at me, then picks up his chainsaw while talking, "No! Not that kind of fear! No chainsaw." He sighed and put it down.

"Y/n let's go! We got Owlbert back!" I sighed, "Thanks a lot dude now I missed plot details!"

A/n sorry I couldn't update sooner and the surprise is taking longer than I expected it to! And I'm so sorry for next chapter, you're either gonna love me or be extremely confused. The squirrel won't be Y/ns palisman... or will he? Dun dun duh! Oh, I do need a name for him so please leave your suggestions in the comments! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you had/have a wonderful day/night and try not to ruin your sleep schedule like I did! I don't regret it though I just feel extremely tired during school, anyway until next time and the surprise should be finished by then!

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