Chapter 26

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Y/ns Pov

"Y/n wake up!" I groaned and clenched my eyes tighter as she shakes my shoulders. I slap her head, "Snooze." I open my eyes when she tries grabbing my feet to pull me out of bed. "Ok ok! I'm up." I sit up to realize I fell asleep on the couch. "You stayed up all night reading that book, don't you think you should take a break?" 

I look around to see pieces of paper all over the couch with all the notes I took. "No. I'm fine, now if you need me I'm getting food!" I stand up and walk towards the kitchen but before I made it to the doorway I walked into someone. "Sorry I didn't see you. Have a good day mam!" I give a slight bow and walked through the door.

I sit down at the table next to King and Luz rushes in. "Eda, can I talk to you?" She grabs her arm and pulls her to the side. I look over at King and he looks at me, we both shrug and continue eating eggs that Eda had made.

3rd pov

"Something is wrong with Y/n." "What do you mean? She seemed normal to me."  Luz walks over to a wall and points towards a lamp. "She walked into the lamp and thought it was a person!" Eda looks over to the lamp thinking, she pauses then looks back at Luz. "That's not normal?" Luz facepalms and groans.

"She's overworking herself. I think we should distract her to get her away from the book, after we do that we can get her to relax." "Don't worry, momma Eda's got this!" Luz sighs looking up at Eda with distrusting eyes. "Tell me why I don't believe you?"

Back to Y/n's pov


I snap my fingers and the milk carton fire gets distinguished. "Did I miss something? Since when can you do magic!?" I shrug taking another bite of my food. Eda and Luz walks in after the whole fire, "Why don't we go to the park?" "Ok! Sounds good, I can practice my magic on the way." Eda glances at me, "What about magic?" "I'll explain on the way, but before we go I'm going to pack some ham sandwiches!"

We make it to the Slayground and we sit on a bench while King tries to climb up a slide. "So the bracelet grants you magical abilities?" I nod and she chuckles, "Well I should teach you this one spell its amazing when you try to rob p-" She looks at Luz who was shaking her head at Eda. "On second thought ill teach it to you later! It may be above your level..."

"Tell that to the milk carton..." "What was that?" "Nothing!" I look up to notice Luz was panicking, "What if he gets hurt? What if the kids are mean to him? My parental instincts are freaking out man!" "Luz chill! If anything I would be worried about the kids who even give him a wrong look."

"Yeah kid, he's fine. Just look at him!" Luz turns her head towards King who was still struggling to climb the slide. "He does look like he is having fun... anyway Y/n I had an idea! Remember how I told you how I learned my first spell? Maybe I could record you casting it and a glyph could show up!" I smile and nod. "Works for me! When we get back I can cast a few spells." "What kind of spells do you know?" 

I was about to answer when King runs over interrupting me, "EDA! That monster took my throne!" I look over to see a runny-nosed child. I have to fight the urge to barf, I hate kids. "You mean the baby?" Eda asked with an amused tone. "No! The usurper! I want you to go over there and blow him up! KABOOM!" the kid in the back said the same thing. "Yeah I'm not using Owlbert to blow up a five-year-old he's got better things to do. Like this", she takes Owlbert off the staff and pets him and he gives an adorable hoot. 

"Y/n! As my trusty knight, I command thee to blow him up or set him on fire!" "What's the magic word?" He sighs looking at the ground, "Please..." "I was going to say Y/n is awesome but that works too." I stand up putting my finger in front of me, "One torched baby coming up!" Before I could finish the circle Luz pulls me back on the bench. 

"Y/n. No. How did you get him?" She averted her attention back to Eda so I took the chance to stand up and King jumps on my shoulder, I put my hand in front of my face and I completed the spell circle which lit the horse thing on fire, too bad the baby got off before. "Darn it." I put the fire out before Eda or Luz could notice, "I'd annihilate anyone who'd hurt him!"

"Fine! Don't help revenge will taste all the sweeter if they fall to mine and Y/ns hands!" He gives an evil chuckle when the kid runs up and pushes him over, "Tag! Your it!"He laughs and runs off. "Oh man, here we go! Kings squeak of rage!" He lets out this high-pitched scream and ran after him.

Eda laughs, "He's like a little tea kettle!" Hey, whats tha- Y/N NO!" She stands up and looks over at me, I look around and saw that I put everything on fire. Kids were running and screaming and the one kid didn't care and was left unharmed. "Wow." "WOW? YEAH, THIS IS MADNESS!" "Wow. I have horrible aim." 

A/n Hey guys I'm so sorry I'm late and I think I'm going to have to change my update schedule. I'll probably update on weekends including Friday. High school starts for me on  Tuesday, and it's not for certain that the schedule will change. Because I feel really bad about updating late here's a little clip for a future chapter, if you want to be surprised then stop reading now. Until next time I hope you enjoy this! BYYYEEE~

SPOILERS.... well not really, but if you want to be surprised when this happens in a future chapter then I recommend skipping this. 

The emperor walks into his throne room and takes his seat. "I expect you understand why you're here." "Yes, our attempts of cathing Eda has failed but we have diversed a new plan if you could just give us some more time I-" "That won't be necessary. I have already assumed you would fail once again, so I have taken matters into my own hands." He throws a small object towards Lillith, it bounced and landed on the ground in front of her. "A locket?" "Yes, you idiot what do you think is Dora the Explora?! This belongs to one of the owl lady's human pets." 

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