Chapter 12

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Y/ns pov

" So last time we talked we were cut off, and you were telling me something about Sasha?"
"Well, me and Sasha sort of had a fight..."
"Oh! That doesn't sound that bad. You guys fought all the time! Did you work it out yet?"
"I think this fight was a bit different..."
"How so?"
"Well, it may or may not have involved swords." I don't talk for a few moments, still processing the information.

"Y/n? You there?"
"Who won?"
"Well I di- wait, why aren't you questioning that we.. well I don't know, FOUGHT WITH SWORDS?!"
"I just sort of expected something like this to happen eventually, actually I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner."
"Wait, you excepted this exact thing?"
"Give or take the somewhat deadly weapons." A few moments of awkward silence pass, and I start kicking a small pebble in front of me. 

"Ok then... so I was wondering if you could- SPRIG NO I TOLD YOU NO MORE TRYING TO USE THE HAMMER ON THE PHONE!"
"Anne? You there?"
I pull the phone away from my face and notice the call has been disconnected. I let out a chuckle, at least I know she's ok. I then continue my walk towards Eda's stand.

A few moments later the stand comes into view as I see Luz reading her Azura book to King, while Eda scammed some unsuspecting citizens. 

Eda looks over at me letting out a sigh, "There you are kid! You had me worried that you left me to deal with this flowery junk." I smile knowing she secretly was worried about me.

I hold out the stuff she dropped out to her, as she grabbed it she noticed the bracelet on my arm. "Where'd you get this?"

"In the forest, speaking of the forest something weird happened-" A familiar squeal interrupts our conversation, we turn our heads to see Luz and King signing up for a writing competition. Eda rolls her eyes then looks back at me, "Go on." 

I tried to explain the wolf to the best of my abilities, leaving Eda staring at me in awkward silence. She proceeds to rub her thumb and pointer finger on her forehead in an attempt to stop the oncoming migraine of confusion.

"So you're telling me a werewolf, in the forest, left behind some bling for you because you fed it a sandwich? I need a cup of apple blood." She reaches into her hair pulling out a bunch of junk and throwing it on the floor in search of her apple blood.

"Hey is that my hoodie? I've been looking for that forever!" I grab the hood and tie it around my waist, because of the dying heat today. She then pulls out a cup and starts drinking, "I think it's a good idea that you take off the bracelet until we know what it does or if it represents something. It could be cursed!"

I sigh reaching for it with my other hand, "I guess your right." I start to pull it off when it wouldn't budge! It was like it was attached to my skin! I keep tugging and that's when I start to panic, WHAT KIND OF  HARRY POTTER CRAP IS THIS?!

Y/n calm down, don't diss the magic! I start to calm down but I keep pulling, "Eda... we may have a problem. It won't come off!" She grabs it and starts pulling while I try and resist, why won't it come off!?

  She then put her finger up casting a spell, the spell was about to hit me, but a shield was put around me reflecting the spell and shooting it at one of the stands that caught on fire.

"It protected you? How interesting. Maybe the library has some answers about it"
"Yeah, ok, but if that spell has hit me, you would have burned my whole arm off! Maybe even disintegrated me!"
"Well, then I'm glad it worked out for the best."

Out of no where she throws me over her stand and then jumps over joining me kneeling on the ground.

"What the heck!?" She put a finger on my lips shushing me.  She peers over the stand, I join her and notice that Lillith was there with one of the guards.

She walks towards a stand and starts talking to the person/elf-looking thing there, she then collects a paper of somesort. The guard then knocks all the items off the stand and waits for a high five.

After receiving one they both left, as they left Eda jumped over the stand and walks over to the one where Lillith was standing. As she was talking to the stand worker,

I walk over to Luz and King who were sitting on a bench planning something. "Hello Luz the apprentice and the mighty King" I give a slight bow, I look back at them to notice a bunch of sticky notes every where.

"What genre are you two planning on doing?"
"Were planning on working together to create a romantic fantasy!"
"Bloody horror!"
They say it at the same time and then look at each other, "Well were in a bit of disagreement, so we should get an unbiased judge. Y/n what genre should we do?"
"I trust Y/n my trusty knight, to make the right decision!"

"Uhhm.... both? Hmm well look at the time, I have to go I'm... I don't really have an excuse Im just, see ya!" I then speed walk to the stand.

A few moments later Eda walks back with a peeice of paper like Lillith had. "Y/n your in charge of the house when I'm gone for none suspicious reasons." She then runs off back to the house, and King and Luz were arguing on the way back. Well this is going to be fun.

A/n Hello! Hope your having a good day! .... I have nothing else to say so until next time!

A/n future me

Alright terry and Lauren.. the author has declared that you shall have a battle to the death using emojicons in the comments! Last one standing wins good luck. (I'm rooting for you Terry!)

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