Chapter 29

572 33 14

Y/ns Pov

We walk up to the entrance of the school and see Willow and Gus waiting for us. "Hey, guys! Ready to get sporty?" She runs up to them while I just walk. I want a big fan of sports or school. Especially school sports, that is my absolute hell but I think ill enjoy this one because this one involves magic."So Luz what team are you rooting for?" "My future school of course!"

Willow and Gus look at each other before looking back. "The clothes your wearing is Glandus high colors, the rival school." Luz's eyes widen and she looks down at her clothes. "Luz it's no big deal-" (ToOk A LeAp  ThRoUgH A BoX- Ok ill stop now.) I try to reassure her but as always she cuts me off. 

"One sec! I see a stand over there! I'll just grab some Hexside merch." She runs towards the stand leaving Willow, Gus, and I alone. "What about you Y/n? Are you gonna show some Hexside spirit?" I sigh, I don't really want to stand out by not wearing any, so I guess I have to. "One second ill be back." I walk over to the stand and Luz rushes past me carrying a lot of merch.

I make it to the stand and notice how little 0f merch he got, "The girl before you bot almost all of my supplies. So I'm running low but for your inconvenience ill do a buy one get two free!" I nod at the stand owner, before looking at all of the options. "I'll take those!" I point over to the ones I want and he hands them to me.

"That will be 15 snails" I reluctantly hand him live snails that I found earlier today on the ground. "Thank you please don't come again!' I may just come again later to annoy him.. or was he using reverse psychology to make me want to come back? Clever man.

I walk back to the group where Willow and Gus were talking. "Hey, Y/n! What did you get?" I hold up three small flags with the word Hexside printed on them. "I was going to only get one, but there was this buy one get two free. Do you guys want one?" Willow shakes her head, "Well then Gus you get two! Luz probably bought one already, or 5." 

I hand them to Gus and he starts waving them around. "This feels right." "Wheres Luz?" I look around worriedly because she had been gone for about twenty minutes. "She's still changing, but she better be quick because the bug bus is about to leave!" This morning she took about 5 seconds but now when we have to go she takes her time?! This girl has got some time management issues.

Another 30 minutes have passed and the bus took off 5 minutes ago. I sigh and sit against the wall. Luz finally runs through the door, decked out in Hexside merch. "Who's ready to kick some Glandus high but!?" "It took off about-" I grab my phone out of my pocket and check the time. "10 minutes ago!"

I look back at my phone to see a new notification. I press it and it opens to Anne's messages towards me. I click the image she sent me and it was a picture of Marcy, Sasha, and her making funny faces at the camera. The caption was #gamenightwiththegirls #gangsallhere #missingY/naward1potato #1weekuntilwegettoY/n !

I roll my eyes and smile, "Luz come here! Group photo!" We huddle and I hold out my phone and take the photo. Luz was on my left-leaning on my shoulder making a silly face, Willow was on my right giving Gus bunny ears, and Gus was standing on his toes trying to reach the camera but he was barely in the frame and he made a funny face. I put my phone down and wrote down a few captions. #Abouttohaveabadideaandbreakthelaw #YouhavebeenreplacedIhavenewsquad #Notmissingyou #Imworthmorethanapotato #Bebetterandgetheresooner

I laugh at my captions and sent the image to her, I put my phone back in my pocket. "Why didn't you guys board the bus?" "We weren't going to leave you." Willow shakes her head. "I was." "Y/n!" Willow nudges me. "Honestly I'm shocked that you didn't, no offense y/n." "None taken, I was held hostage."

"Can we walk to Glandus?" Luz asks guiltily. "We never would make it in time. Glandus is all the way out in the middle of the island!" Gus waves his flags around. "Ugh, typical Glandus!" "And my parents are working otherwise I'd see if they could give us a ride on their staff." "A staff..." 

"Luz, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Depends what are you thinking." "Let's go steal someone's staff!" Luz gives me a concerned look, "Or we could go ask Eda to fly us there!" I sigh. "I guess if you don't want to have as much fun."

We run towards the owl house, well some of us did Gus leaped the whole way there. "Ok stay here Luz and I will head in and ask Eda." We walk inside the owl house and King walked outside of Eda's room. "Is Eda up?" "Who? Oh! That Eda hehe. Nope no she is out like a light." A weird noise came out of the room that sounded somewhat like growling.

"Oh, man can she snore!" Not suspicious at all, I stare at King. "Oh no I wanted to ask if I could borrow her staff! But I know she needs her rest."  King grabs the staff and forces it into Luz's hands. "Oh I'm sure it's fine! It's fine just take it!" "I can't, not without Eda's permission." Eda lets out a scream from the other side of the door. 

"Well, there's your permission off you go! And Y/n do you want to team up for the prank war?" "I'll think about it." Luz looks at the door. "I really owe Gus and Willow one, and it's just for the afternoon... I'm sure Eda wouldn't mind."

"Not our generous, kindhearted Eda! Big heart on her." "Are we talking about the same Eda?" Luz nudges my arm, I put my hand where she did and rub it. Why do people keep doing that? And on the same spot! We stand there awkwardly so Luz grabs my hand, "We'll be back soon!" She pulls me down the hallway "close call." We didn't get far and we turned to face him. "What?" "Nothing."

We walk out of the house, "You do realize that he's up to something right?" "Isn't he always? To Glandus High!" She opens the door and ends up hitting Owlbert against it. Owlbert hoots in confusion, "Sorry Owlbert! It's ok we're just on our way to help some friends." My phone buzzes so I grab it and look at the message Anne sent me.

Anne- Rood

Y/n- Well you're the one you said I'm worth a potato! I am definitely worth more than a single potato!

Anne- debatable.

Y/n- Ouch.

I put my phone back in my pocket and look up to see Gus and Willow staring at Owlbert in awe. "Who's ready to board air, Luz?" We all get on and Owlbert seemed uncomfortable with all the weight. "Feel that power to weight ratio!" "Boys prepare to fly!" "Are we sure we should all be on at the same time? This won't end well." 

"Next stop Glandus high! Let's go!" She said ignoring my comment. We levitate a few feet in the air, "Luz I don't think this is such a-" "Step on it Owlbert!" She hits the side of the staff and we take off flying. We scream at the speed and we make a loopy loop then dive towards the forest, we bumped into four different trees before flying straight into a tree. I fall off of Owlbert and landed facefirst on the ground, Willow and Gus were lucky to land in a bush but Luz fell right on top of me.

Luz stands up and offers me her hand to take, I grab her hand and she pulls me up. "Is everyone ok?" She drops my hand and looks around at Willow and Gus, she then looks over at Owlbert who had a crack on his forehead. Owlbert flys off of his staff and into the woods while Luz tries calling for him to come back. I start running in the direction he flew off in and the squad followed.

A/n That ending was a bit rushed but I'm tired. THAT EPISODE MY GOD! It was too good, anyway I won't spoil it. My update schedule will stay the same but they may be later in the day than usual. I used to have a free period so that was how I could do these chapters but I no longer have it, Stupid Highschool! Anyway, I will update Friday, but I'm positive on Saturday and Sunday, my sister is coming by and it's been a while since I saw her! I will try my best to get chapters out but those might be small but Idk. Anyway hope you're having a good day/night and wish you all the love! Until next time!

OH! AND I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO BRING THIS UP! THIS BOOK HAS REACHED 4.3k Views and this warms my heart to see people interested in something I have written! Thank you all! I never thought that this would get this far and it was supposed to be a fun little hobby of mine now it's something I stay up at night wondering if I should be mean to you by killing characters! This has also made 180 votes and I'm crying! For this occasion when my sister gets here I'm planning something special! She isn't a fan of cartoons but when I told her the ending to amphibia and the Lgbtq+ in owl house she was shocked that Disney did this, she seemed slightly interested so I'm going to get her to watch a few episodes! So she'll is somewhat involved in the thing... If I can convince her, anyway thank you all for reading this! Writing this has got me through a lot and it makes me feel wanted and gives me a sense of belonging, I hope this makes you feel the same anyway Until next chapter! 

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