Chapter 38

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Y/n pov

"This is your fault human! If it wasn't for you I would have had my staff and been able to magic our way out of here, but no~! You just had to make my life more difficult than it already is!"

"Don't turn this on me buddy! You're the reason why we're here in the first place!"




"Yeah-hu-,  you know what? I'll prove to you that this is your fault!"

"Oh yeah? And how do you think your gonna accomplish that? There's nothing here! No evidence or witnesses, and it's not like we can go anywhere because of your stupid... stupidness."

"I have a genius solution... Insert flashback~!"

"That's not gonna-"

I look towards the top left of my vision and start rubbing my chin.

"Are you serious? That's not gonna- you've got to be kidding me."

{Insert epic intro}

7 hours earlier same pov and I'm adding lots of words to this because it looks cool... I swear that the reason for it.









"Come on Y/n, it's been 3 days since you've left your room! It wasn't that bad..."


"Ok, it was pretty bad... but at least you got accepted into Hexside!"

I peek my head out from my blanket pile and stared up at Luz.

"My entry performance caused the librarian to have a heart attack, therefore, distracting me and leading me to miss the target which set half the auditorium and the halls on fire. The lockers then went on a rampage in fear of the fire and destroyed everything insight which, finishing it up,  led to the opening day of school to become postponed for a week so do not tell me that it wasn't that bad."

"At least... they let you into Hexside?"

Luz awkwardly laughs, trying to find the best of the situation.

I groan before diving back into my pile. She sighs as I hear footsteps walking toward my pile. My blanket was ripped off and I was met with a blinding light.

I hiss and try to cover my face with my pillow but she took that too.

"Turn it off!"

"That's called sunlight, Y/n. You cant turn it off."

 "What do you want from me!? Why won't you let me sleep and wallow in my misery? HAVEN'T YOU TORTUED ME ENOUGH!?"

"Because~" SHd starts to hit me with my pillow.









"for the last"


"3 days!" 

She then proceeds to attempt to pull me up.

 Keyword, attempt.

"Why are you so heavy!?"

"I can control my weight for certain situations. Currently, I don't want to get up therefore, you can't do anything about it."

She sighs before dropping my hand. 

"Can you at least come to help me take stuff to Eda's stand? They already left and left us some stuff to take over and there's a lot more than I originally thought so it would be nice if you could help..."

I sigh. 

"If I do this for you, can you let me sleep uninterrupted tomorrow?"

She smiles and nods.

"Let's just get this over with."

I stand up and walk out the door in my day clothes.

"Wait... do you sleep in your day clothes?"

I turn to face her.

"Plot convenience."


"And I think that's the last of it. Did we forget anything Luz?"

She shakes her head and she placed a box full of human junk on the stand.

"Nope! I think were done."

I sigh before laying my head on the table. That was tiring. I look up at Luz making small talk to a customer, Eda scamming a guard, and King sleeping on the items. Me and you both.

"Well, that was pointless."

Eda walks over and slams the 'human skin' on the table.

"I was gonna have you do some stuff for me but since the stupid carnival is back no one is here. You might as well go off and do something, just DONT go to the carnival, never again."

Eda shudders before walking towards Luz.

I look over at King who was now awake, pickpocketing a passing-by witch.

"So King... want to come on an adventure with me?"





"Not really."


A/n I'm officially back people! I hope you enjoyed it, I know it's a bit short but longer ones will be coming out soon. The next update will probably be next Friday, Saturday, or Sunday but I'm not exactly sure. Anyway, hope you all have a good day or night, and also Brittney? I know what you did to Jacob.

ANd I'm an idiot I put in my Instagram wrong. check it out if you get the chance!

its @that_one_artist_2319

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