"A Crossdressing Wolf and a Gang Deer Walk into a Bar..."

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"...Boss. What do you think would be more valuable stuffed: heads with antlers or heads with manes?"

Louis turned his head, "What?"

"The clans here like to decorate their hideouts with stuffed animal heads. Preferably the heads of another clan's boss..."

The deer chuckled, "You think this small head of mine would make for fine interior design?"

"I'm being serious! What'll we do if some clan that feels threatened by us comes in with the sole purpose of claiming your head..?"

"Then you'll die in my stead, Ibuki.", he said as he placed a hand on the lion's shoulder. "I can't die when things are looking this good for us. Besides, there'll be rumors that my men ate me instead. I don't want to sully the Shishigumi's name."

Ibuki stared for a moment before smiling, "Of course. I'd gladly die for you, Boss."

    Ever since Louis took over, the Shishigumi's reputation changed in The Ghetto. Where they were feared before, they became more popular among the business owners of the market. With a herbivore leading them, the lion gang's image became more trustworthy and reliable. A few businesses sponsored them, some more than before thanks to the shift in leadership.

    The deer managed to keep his usual composure even with the new surroundings. The same couldn't be said for his body, though. To make up for eating meat (which he couldn't keep down), he resorted to energy drinks as an alternative. When he was with the lions, he ate like it was nothing— but it was only behind closed doors that he let his body reject the strange diet.

    The first to notice was Ibuki, who arguably set Louis on the path he's on now. He helped push the lions into accepting the deer as their new leader, paving the way for newfound growth and control over The Ghetto. Despite the rocky start to the arrangement, he had become the deer's right-hand man. His loyalty was cemented to Louis, giving them a certain bond.

    It was late into the night, the two of them sitting at an empty bar within the market. Surprisingly, there were some places that served herbivores as well as carnivores— along with other, unsavory businesses. Louis had become familiar with some of them, even bearing witness to one of them in action. It didn't matter to him, as long as they contributed to the Shishigumi's growth. In the end, it was all business— and keeping a straight face was important above all else.

Not now, though.

Ibuki had stepped away for a moment when Louis heard the door open, soft heels clicking across the floor.

A female customer..., the deer thought before hearing a shift to his side.

Why is she sitting right next to me?, he looked over...

Before feeling his eyes widen at the sight of a very familiar face.

"Don't freak out, Louis-senpai...", the wolf whispered.

    He was freaking out, though on the inside at the moment. Legosi looked, in honesty, completely ridiculous. Shaded eyeliner, a rose over what looked like bandages, a small necklace around his neck and a light-colored scarf over his shoulders. The weirdest part by far was the dress, which oddly seemed to be the least offputting part of the disguise!

"I know I've got a lot of explaining to do, but first...", the wolf's whisper brought his focus back. "Let me tell you that, yes, I'm Legosi. Sorry if my crossdressing isn't the best."

This guy..., Louis thought as he felt his shock shift to annoyance and rage. Do I have to kill him to make him stop acting like a complete psycho?!

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