The Human Curse

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Alan got out of the building fast, and none of the lions seemed to bother chasing him. He didn't know or care why, all he wanted was to be gone. The moment he was out the door and past the gate, he ran. He kept running until he entered the streets of The Ghetto, mask on and looking around frantically. The scenery was all the same to him, no highlights or landmarks that could lead in the right direction! His already aching heart only pounded harder inside, making him more panicked.

"This was a mistake...", he grabbed one of the mask's ears shakily. "All of this."

Why did he bother going in to talk to Louis? What was he even trying to accomplish?! All that happened was that whatever faith the human had in the deer was crushed, along with the tiny light that kept him at Cherryton. He had finally hit his breaking point, and he didn't see any reason to keep going now. He stumbled slowly and aimlessly, working through the crowd and the hurricane of emotions in his head.

"The world you live in and the world we live in are completely different.", the deer's words stung to remember.

What hurt even more...was that it wasn't the first time he heard that said.

"This place is made for us! Things may be different in your little human town, but this isn't it!", Bill was right on the money with that.

"It's no wonder they isolated themselves from animals—they're so damn weak, they can't even compare to carnivores or herbivores."

The more he thought about it, the more it began to make sense.

"No claws, no strength, and no instincts to be seen. Just a walking corpse waiting to happen."

It felt like hours that Alan stumbled, running every instance through his head. Every time he tried to deny it, every insult someone would throw. The human did his best to dissuade them, even when he was at his lowest. Now, though, he was even lower than that— and this time, he brought it on himself. By going to Louis and questioning him, he was putting himself in danger for the sake of understanding the deer. It didn't make sense to him, but then...

"It's the same with you— you were okay with being the friendly human to others, and you've kept it going even now despite your secret being exposed."

That made one thing crystal clear: They were all beyond his worldview.


He stopped, silently contemplating what to do. If he turned around, he knew exactly how things would go and no idea of how it would end. He was broken again, maybe even worse than before. There was no emotion in him anymore, just a numb feeling. He had felt it long before, and he didn't even try to hide it.

You can't help me anymore..., he thought before he started walking again.


The human heard him, but chose to ignore it. He only got about ten steps in before he found his shoulder grabbed.


Why are you making this so hard?, the numbness was heating up.

"What are you doing here? Did something happen?"

Just stop it.

"Alan-san, talk to me..."

"Leave me alone!", the human shook his shoulder free and started to run. It just had to be the wolf, didn't it? Of course, the one person he couldn't let all the turmoil be seen by would be the one to find him. Fate must really enjoy playing card games with his emotions, doesn't it? If he had a dollar for every time something happened or his emotions got the better of him...

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