Taunts and Bells

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    Alan's first session with Gouhin went pretty well, at least to Legosi. As rocky as the talk was, it gave some insight into the human's life before his mother's death. Based on what he described, he had a pretty normal life— or at least a happy one. If anything, one could say he was popular back in his village! Although, he certainly didn't mind it when relaying it to the wolf and panda. Perhaps it was the feeling of reminiscing about the past, or part of him wanting to go back to that time.

A simpler time...at least to him.

The three remained on the topic of Alan's village life for about half an hour before stopping. Legosi could see a look in the human's eyes when he talked about it, a small spark, like he was in a trance. As he reminisced, it would flare and grow brighter, but ultimately die down when he finishes. He talked about the small sunny field he'd play in by his house, the nights that he'd stay up and look at the moonlight. With memories like those, the spark seemed to be at its brightest, but would fade completely once he stopped.

The wolf could see it clearly now, his friend's want of having his old life back.


"Kibi's arm is gonna get better!", Dom said excitedly as he read a message on his phone.

Alan let out a sigh as he looked at it, "I hope he'll be okay when he's all healed up..."

It had been about a week since Kibi's accident, and a lot of events followed— most of which unseen by the Drama Club. There were only a small few that knew the most serious of them, but they kept quiet to avoid certain outcomes. Legosi knew most of those outcomes, and was certain at least one of them would end up coming true soon enough. He wouldn't let it happen...

"He couldn't move his arm when you last visited him!", Dom's tearful voice snapped him out of it. "Oh, this is amazing!"

"Yeah...all his hard work paid off.", he replied with a small smile.

"I'm thinking of visiting him myself...", Riz said as the wolf froze up.

"I could go too.", Alan added. "I feel like I've been avoiding the idea..."

"You should! I know he'll be happy!", Dom replied.

Riz..., Legosi glanced at the bear, seeing him wear a friendly expression.

He's thinking of visiting Kibi with Alan... This is coming from the one with the least control of his instincts— the one who ate one of his club members.

The very thought of the bear visiting Kibi, regardless of the state he was in, angered him. It didn't really help that he's considering bringing Alan along, which only furthered that anger. If Legosi were being honest, part of him didn't think it'd be good for Alan to visit Kibi at all. He had heard from the others about the human breaking down once he took Kibi to the infirmary, and it made sense when coupled with his breakdown in The Ghetto. Even if the anteater were bandaged up and recovering, there's no way of predicting Alan's reaction.

I have to protect everyone..., Legosi thought as a low sound escaped him.

"...Legosi, did you just growl?", Fudge asked from beside him as they cleaned a spotlight. "Are you angry or something?"

"Sorry! That was just a hiccup.", he said quickly as he covered his mouth.

He closed his eyes and relaxed his expression, Calm down. Don't make a fuss.

"I don't know how I feel about Tao's suspension...", Dom said somewhat glumly. "You think they could've done something else?"

"I'm not really sure...", Alan mused.

"...I don't think so.", Riz replied. "It was an accident, but he still hurt Kibi. It's a terrible crime to be careless around herbivores."

Legosi felt his blood boil at that, What?

"Well, when you put it like that...", the human started.

The wolf's growls rose louder as the spotlight was shattered under his hand, "Are you just telling that to yourself?"

Alan slowly scooted away as he got up and started towards Riz, "Tell me, Riz."

"Tell me how guilty Tao is for his crimes!", he said with a glare.

"Legosi, stop it!", Bill yelled as some of the others watched.

"What happened?", Aoba asked.

"Let's stop this.", Riz stated. "They're all watching.

"I don't care...that's only your concern.", the enraged wolf said as Riz grabbed his arms.

"All carnivores should be able to control their emotions. Your soul is inferior to mine."

Inferior— and the bear believes he's the one to talk about controlling emotions? The sheer gall of him to say such a thing coupled with everything else made it all the more infuriating. Acting as if he knew all there was to know about guilt, standing on high ground like the embodiment of control. It was false, and only Legosi and a few others knew that. If he were capable right now...

"That's enough.", Alan somehow managed to put himself between the two and push them apart. Well, it was more like they let him.

"Can we at least have one day where someone isn't getting ready to raise hell?", he pinched his nose with a sigh. "I know what happened was bad, but going at each other isn't gonna do anything."

"Alan...", Legosi said as he felt himself falter a bit.

"I know.", the human said as he looked at him. "Maybe a two-week suspension is harsh— and Tao's probably losing it over what happened, but we can't do much about it."

He lowered his gaze, "There are some things we can't change— no matter how much we want to go back and stop it..."

There was no question in the wolf's mind as to what his friend was alluding to. Even without mentioning it verbally, his feelings around his past were clear. It was something he kept closely guarded, locked away inside without any trace of it being shown. Of course, there are moments where cracks form and it seeps out. However, they disappear just as fast as they come about.


"Wahhh! Owww! You're so mean!", a yell made them all freeze and look over to the sheep knelt down next to the spotlight.

"I was speaking for the poor spotlight here.", Pina said with his usual playful disposition. "Get a hold of yourself, Legosi-senpai."

The sheep went next to the wolf and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, "You shouldn't cause any more damage than you already have. Right, Riz-senpai?"

Alan raised an eyebrow slightly as the bear held a blank look.

"I-I'm sorry...", Legosi said with his gaze low.

"Yeah, and?"

"I'll pay for the spotlight..."

"There, that's what I wanted to hear. Problem solved."

The human blinked, "Am I missing something here..?"

"I don't think you are.", Riz said as everyone seemed to go back to practicing. "I guess Pina has an effect on people."

"Yeah...", he mused as he looked at the now-pondering wolf.

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