Death Looming

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"Hey, your horns smell nice today.", Pina said as he lightly traced those of the girl beside him.

"I waxed them with honey to give them that extra shine."

"Huh. Well, I'm crazy about them."

"Pina-kun, you're in the Drama Club, right?", she asked. "Do you like it there?"

The sheep crossed his arms and gave a smile, "I was given a huge role in the New Year's performance. Are you gonna see it?"

"Oh, of course! What are you gonna be?"

"I'm gonna be the handsome male who gets his soul stolen by the reaper!", he said cheerfully. "I'm gonna die at the end!"

There was a bit of silence at that, "What? You're gonna die?"

He looked at her with a nonchalant expression, "Yup. I'm gonna die."

It was quite ironic, if Pina thought about it. He was to play a role in which his life was in danger while it was the same in reality. Granted, he had Alan as a bargaining chip and Legosi on the case, but it didn't keep the overall situation from hitting him. He was in real danger, and if Riz was willing to jeopardize his stance with Alan...

He gave a gentle look and held the girl's face, "Riona-chan, if I died for real...would you grieve for me?"

He had leaned in with his eyes closed when her response came, "I think I'd laugh."

The sheep backed out with wide eyes as the girl kicked his foot, "Who the hell's Riona? I don't think a guy who can't remember a girl's name is even worth a funeral."

Well...that didn't go as he hoped.

Pina had charm and looks, so it made sense for girls to be attracted to him. His personality practically demanded it, along with his role in the Adler play. He already had some popularity with females before joining the Drama Club, so it mostly boosted his reputation. Although, the members of the club didn't take much of a shine to him at first. In particular, some of the carnivore members raised some fuss the day he was introduced. It didn't last long, though, so no harm was done on that front.


I've really lost my groove, huh?, the sheep thought as he stood alone in a bathroom. I've gotta get it together.

Now that he considered it, he was perfect for such a tragic role.

The story of Adler is meant to be a tragedy, telling the story of the titled reaper falling for the girl whose soul he was meant to take. For this one, however, the roles were being switched. The main role fell to Juno, the female wolf, while the love-interest was to be played by him, a male sheep. No matter which way you look at it, the mold is practically shattered with such choices.

That kind of casting was considered taboo until now., he thought as he stared at the floor. I mean, a carnivore reaping a herbivore's soul..? That's too realistic.

He smirked slightly, So I'm the handsome love-interest doomed to lose his soul, huh? Not bad.

He froze suddenly, feeling eyes on him. Turning his head, he found the source of his recent fumble.

The bear smiled, "I'm looking forward to practice today, Pina-kun."

"Hey, you surprised me, Riz-senpai!", the sheep said in his usual joyful manner. "I don't think I can pee here."

"Can't get comfortable next to a murderer, you know?", he said as he started to exit. "I'm out of here."

"I'm settling things with Legosi at New Year's."

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