A.N: The Burnout

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I'm alive...or at least still active, surprisingly.

So I haven't updated in four months now— and to he honest, things have been heavy. There's more than a few things contributing to this, but the biggest (or 2nd biggest) is college. So I'm in my final year now— which is as stressful and exciting as you can imagine. Heavy workload, virtual classes (still...), and the possibility of entering the adult-working world with old people arguing over things, the world threatening to destroy humanity, and the lingering thought of my generation experiencing a war firsthand...

Yeah...that's a lot. There's some other things that are connected to some of those, but they're personal. To make it short, I've lost my drive.

To recap: When I last updated, I had 3 future chapters outlined and 2 of them in progress. Cut to now, and I have about 6 future chapters outlined (including the ones from before), and the three I originally outlined fully written.

So all in all: I hit a rock.

That doesn't mean I'm quitting the story, though. By the time I made my last announcement back in January, I wasn't completely out of my funk. But then my next semester started and I started to lag behind— and it basically stopped me from working on the story altogether.

I'll be honest. The year-end goal I originally planned failed in spectacular fashion— and through things I had no control over. It's the same now, so I don't know what happens from here. I have an idea of what I'm going to do, but I don't know if another global issue is gonna swoop down and make things harder.

I've lost count of how many times I pull myself out of this only to be drug back again. Heck, I feel dumb even writing this out! It feels like I'm one of those influencers (*gags*) who open up about themselves to gain sympathy from their fans. That's not to say it's a bad thing, though! It's just become so commonplace lately that I've gotten kind of...jaded about it. Part of me now is a raging cynic who's ready to crush whatever comes his way.

So yeah...2022 is not boding well for me— or anyone, really. I may post the chapters I have ready later, but after that I'm not sure. I don't have a set deadline of when to finally finish this, but I'm not sure if I want to set one, either.

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