The Price of Strength

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"Damn, you are just the epitome of unlucky.", Gouhin chuckled.

Alan stood by Legosi nervously, "Do you think the guy who attacked you is the killer?"

"It definitely was!", the wolf said.

Alan still had some missing pieces as to why Legosi would come to Gouhin for help, but they weren't important right now. Once they were out of the rain, Legosi revealed what happened. Sometime after the carnivore gathering, he was attacked by an unknown assailant. That would explain his face being covered in blood while in the subway, but not who the attacker is. Alan couldn't stop his mind from jumping to the worst-case scenario. If it was someone who was with them at the carnivore gathering, would that mean they're the killer?

"He was also enormously strong.", Legosi continued.

"And?", Gouhin asked somewhat intensely.

"And, uh. Well..."

"Well, what?"

"Get on with it already.", Alan said annoyed. "This is so awkward I could stand in the rain for a better feeling."

"...I want to get stronger.", the wolf finally said. "I want you to teach me how to fight."

"No.", the answer came almost instantly— and with the bluntness of a sledgehammer.

Wow, intense and blunt., the human thought as he leaned against the chair Legosi sat in. Definitely qualities of someone you'd want to teach you stuff.

"W-why?", the wolf asked, almost sounding hurt.

"I don't trust that you'd be able to handle my routine. And you probably forgot already, but I'm the psychiatrist of The Ghetto..."

His expression went intense. "If I took in a walking bomb like you, I wouldn't be able to do my job!"

"Bomb..?", the human and wolf said, confused.

"Come on, you know I don't just yell or lose my temper on a whim.", the wolf added.

"Irresponsible brat.", the panda muttered. "It's been months since you took down the Shishigumi's boss. Ever since, though, they've been gaining more influence around here. If you go through my training routine, you'll have to come in and out of here like clockwork. They're bound to find you—both of you..."

Alan stiffened at that, along with the panda's next sentence, "And when they do, they won't give you the mercy of just shooting you."

"H-how do you know about that..?", the human asked as he felt his body tense up.

"Do you really think he managed to take on a criminal group of lions on his own?", came the reply as the panda got up. "It's all on you two if you want them to cook you for dinner, but I'm not going to let myself get into more trouble. Drink your bamboo tea and go back to school..."

"You don't have to worry..!", Legosi said, getting up as well. "Ever since I was a pup, I never stood out. I'll be extremely cautious."

"And how're you supposed to sneak in with that large body of yours? You're ten years too early for that ninja shit."

"T-then I'll live here. I'll work for you."

The panda turned, "What about school?"

"I'll take a break from it.", he said stubbornly.

"That's absurd! It's hard enough to find a job as is. You'll never survive without a proper education!"

"Not that I'm on board with Panda-Man, but he has a point.", Alan interjected. "Carnivores are already seen badly because of devourings, so getting a job without graduating would be a nightmare."

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