Talking Through Tin Cans

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    Over a few days, things progressed quickly for Legosi. Because of the 'meat meditation' he went through, he suppressed his jaw strength and transferred it into his arms. He didn't realize it until the hyena talked about herbivores having strong limbs. The wolf was no stranger to it, as he took a hard hit from a certain deer some time ago. When he thought about it, it made sense. Herbivores expressed their emotions through their limbs when they struggle and fight, while carnivores utilized their jaws.

Now he didn't have his jaw strength anymore, so he'd use his limbs to show his emotions.

    After the first mission, it seemed to follow a similar pattern (with Alan being absent for them). Gouhin and Legosi would tail targets throughout The Ghetto to capture, with the wolf on standby in case the panda couldn't get them himself. He still wore the muzzle, whether to conceal his identity or to keep from biting as a natural attack. He'd sometimes get injured along the way, though nothing too serious (and he had to take care of them himself). It certainly made things easier on Gouhin's side, too, as he could work and train Legosi as he did so. In all, it was a win-win on both sides.

    However, there was something odd the wolf noticed regarding the panda's job. Whenever they captured someone, Gouhin would take them to a room within the clinic. It wouldn't be a big deal, except for the fact that he never reported them. There was no phone call to the police, no legal consequences. Legosi finally got a chance to ask when he saw the panda discharge a patient who killed two ferrets while "in a deranged state of mind".

His response was different from what the wolf expected. Gouhin didn't want to demean other carnivores, mainly because it wasn't his place or his privilege to. To him, it was pure luck that he was born a panda without a need for meat. If anything, his job was a way of enforcing justice— his own justice. The world wasn't as simple as putting the criminals in jail and magically making things better. It was more nuanced than that, and he was only doing what he believed was right.

It stuck with Legosi well into the next day, when he was in the library trying to catch up on studying.

Bah, I don't have time to worry about society!, the wolf thought as he dove into a book for one of his classes. I need to study for my test! My grades can't get too low!

It's so unreasonable that I have to work with Gouhin-san at night and go to school during the day. I'm turning into a night owl.

As his thoughts drifted, drowsiness began to take over.

But he did tell me..., he thought as his eyes fell shut. ...not to take my education lightly...


The wolf woke up slowly, without opening his eyes. He could hear a tapping sound coming from in front of him. A familiar scent made its way to his nose, and he could feel his heart start to race. It was a very familiar scent, one he was trying to avoid! Should he play dead? Pretend he's asleep? This is the worst situation he could be in right now...

"Hey, so my guy friend wants to hang out with me tonight."

That woke him up— and with a vengeance.

The rabbit looked at him casually, "Long time no see..."

"Likewise...", he said with narrowed eyes. "Now tell me more."

"I like your new fur cut. It makes you look like a businessman."

"Huh?", he perked up for a moment. "Oh, I forgot. So..."

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