Cold Shoulders

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"Legosi, you're a carnivore, and you want to get physically stronger.", Gouhin said. "Do you know what that means?"

"What it means?", the wolf asked.

"It means you have to eat meat. Meat from The Ghetto.", he said as the wolf's ear twitched. "Carnivores need meat to build bodies suited for combat. It's just nature."

Alan crossed his arms silently, We both know for a fact that he isn't going to commit himself to that.

"Hey, what's with that look? Did you understand what I said?"

"I understand, but if I were to eat herbivore meat to get stronger in order to protect herbivores, wouldn't that be hypocritical?", the wolf asked.

"Hypocritical for you, maybe, but all the carnivore athletes and soldiers are doing it behind closed doors."

"Why am I not surprised to hear that..?", Alan muttered, though he was sure the two could clearly hear him.

Legosi was silent for a moment, "I can't really bring myself to do it."

"I knew you were going to say that...", the fur around Gouhin's eyes twitched slightly. "Your body needs to experience how unreasonably egotistic your standards are. It's gonna be a lot tougher now."

"Legosi.", the human said as the wolf looked at him. "I'm still not sure if this is the right thing for you to do, even with the new look. Obviously, though, you're stubborn as hell and willing to die on this hill...but I'm not."

"If you're really sure about this— and judging by the fact that you somehow managed to get Panda-Man on your side, you are— I don't want to be a part of it. I can at least come with you sometimes, but it's not gonna be something I'm holding myself down on. If this is what you think is right, fine, but I'm not throwing myself into danger— not again."

    Legosi stared at Alan for a moment, seeing that he wasn't willing to budge. It was just the same as earlier, though the human wasn't trying to stop him this time around. In a way, they were both stubborn and perhaps even a little egotistical at times. Back before Alan's change in behavior, he snapped at the wolf for trying to talk him out of his rut. He wouldn't stop trying, though, as he was in just as much danger as anyone else in school.

Even then...

"Okay.", he finally said. "I won't force you to get involved if you don't want to. This is what I'm sure is the right way for me."

He turned to the panda firmly, "I'll do anything that doesn't involve eating meat!"


"Are you sure about this?", Alan asked with a glance. "It seems kind of...extreme."

"I did say his body had to experience what his standards meant.", Gouhin said. "If he's going to get stronger without meat, the first step is to overcome his body's natural need for it."

    The panda already seemed to have a plan in mind for Legosi. After he confirmed he wasn't going to eat meat, the panda led him into a cold room. It was mostly empty— if not for the large slab of meat hooked up in the middle. All Legosi had to do was sit in front of it until sunrise, which sounded easier than it seemed. Alan initially kept his distance from the room, remembering what happened when he first entered The Ghetto. Even if the effect was minor, he didn't want to take chances.

"Are you not gonna explain why you have a super cold room with meat hanging inside it?", the human inquired.

"I'm a psychiatrist that works with meat-obsessed carnivores in a secret market.", the panda said in a deadpan tone. "I'm sure just knowing that alone would be enough of an explanation."

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