(1) Savage- Bahari

Start from the beginning

The great three family were all presence in the same room discussing about Kyojuro being in the family.

Kyojuro thought it was useless.

" We talk about not making waves, he's a tsunami."  Naobito Zenin, the head of the Zenin family scoffed as points at Kyojuro, whom sat at his sit facing the boy in front of him, Naoya Zenin, soon to be the head.

Naoya was an arrogant boy whom got anything he wanted.

Being the head of the Zenin family soon made him more and more arrogant.

Kyojuro never really care about his thoughts or others thoughts about him which makes him complete lock up.

Nothing can get pass him.

However, Kyojuro cared about what Satoru thinks.

The Zenin family and the Gojo family were always at war. They hated, loathed, each other. Which makes Kyojuro the same.

Naoya glared at the orange headed boy in front of  him, whom was doing the same thing.

Naoya almost laughed when he heard that the Gojo family adopted an outsider and also made him the great Satoru's older brother, his protector. Weirder thing was, he was stronger than Satoru himself.

"Kyojuro is strong. He should be in the Gojo family." Hegari stated as he look down, "He can protect Satoru."

"Why does your son even need protection?" The head of the Kamo asked, "Isn't he also the strongest at the same time?"

"Who knows what might happen..." Hegari muttered, clearly keeping a secret.

"Fine," The head of the Kamo stood up, "But he has to marry my daughter, Sakura. Remember the promise you made to the elders, Hegari."

That caught Kyojuro's attention.

"Of course-" Hegari remembered as he faced Kyojuro, whom face him with his emotionless face. Kyojuro's face was so emotionless that when you look at him, he look like a doll itself or a robot, "Kyojuro."

"Yes, Father?"  Kyojuro quirk an eyebrow with his emotionless face.

"You will be marrying Sakura Kamo when you're older so get acquainted." Hegari said with a small smile, and he pointed to a black hair girl with short hair and brown eyes whom seem to be upset.

"Why must I?" Kyojuro asked the everyone seem shock at his attuited.

"No questions, Kyojuro!" Keguri glared at her son, "You're marrying her to help our family. Listen to your father."

"I'm not interested." Kyojuro stated as he cross his arms.

Satoru let out a laugh as he cover his mouth.

"What?" The Kamo head glared at Kyojuro.

"I don't see a reason to marry her." Kyojuro said as he closed his eyes, "Marry her will profit the family but I only want to protect Satoru and I don't need an extra."

"You're seriously turning down the offer?" Naoya scoffed as he spoke without the head permission.

"Can you believe it?" Kyojuro eyes widen as if like he really meant it.

Naoya glared at Kyojuro just the others while Satoru stood at one side, watching the show.

"Uhm," Keguri laughs softly, trying to ease the tension, "Well, you see, Kyojuro has only one thing on his mind."  Keguri gave Kyojuro a look, expecting him to say something that would not upset the rest.


The others in the room, including Satoru, look at Kyojuro blankly.

"I have no interest in marrying someone I just met." Kyojuro said, "I'll never get married. All I want is to protect Satoru."

Satoru smiled at that sentence. 

"Fine." Naoya was the first to speak up, "If you met the right woman, who worshipped and adored you? Who'd do anything for you? Who'd be your devoted slave? Then what would you do?"  

"I'd pity her." Kyojuro said.

He would. Kyojuro eyed one Isuzu, whom was at the door with her head down, listening to everything.

Was it true?

"You're being stupid." Naoya scoffed, "You do know woman are just housewives and something you can make of right? Their not important. Just marry her and push her aside."

Kyojuro loath  Naoya.

 "That is disrespectful and gross of you." Kyojuro glared at Naoya, then look at Sakura whom head was low, "I didn't want to marry Sakura because I'm not interested in marrying. Not because I hate her or think she's lousy. Shut your mouth when I'm talking."

"What!?" Naoya got out of his sit and glared harshly at Kyojuro as the rest of his family did the same.

"Kyojuro!" Hegari shouted as he stood up from his seat too.

"Remember, Naoya,"  Kyojuro stated,  "I'm not locked here with you, you're locked in here with me."

"That's enough!"  Naobito had enough, "It's the elders order and you out of all people can't change that!"

"If their dead I can." Kyojuro muttered under his breath, nowing his next move.

All of the sudden, He teleported somewhere, leaving the people in the room clueless.

A few second later he came back with his clothes all red and bloody. Kyojuro's eyes showed no mercy at all.

Everyone's eyes widen in shock as Kyojuro carried a present with him.

It was one of the elder's head.

Kyojuro held it up, then dropping it on the ground.

"Now, no one controls me." Kyojuro stated as he look at  Sakura, whom had a small smile of gratitude on her face. 

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