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The time to dinner was arriving, they both went back home early to get ready.

It was Friday today, meaning at least tomorrow is an off.


Since they both we're mad at each other, they didn't quite talk.

They walked home in silence and as soon as they got home they went to their rooms to get ready.

It was 3pm when she got out from her shower.

"I still got time, might as well have a snack" she walked down towards the kitchen.

As she opened the cupboard, there was nothing in it.

Her eyes grew wide as she searched for her chips.

"Yang Jungwon!" She catched the attention of the male who was proceeding to sit on the couch.

"Did you eat the chips?" She wasn't having any of it, she was so annoyed.

"Oh, you mean these?" He held up the empty bag of the chips.

Her mouth agap and eyes wide, frustrated as hell.

"Yang Jungwon, you bitch!" She over to him about to give him a piece of her mind.

She hit his head hard as he groaned in pain, not doing much cause they have a dinner to attend and if he shows up in bruises then that is not gonna end well for the both of them.

She walked away back to the kitchen to get her self ice cream.

Only to see it wasn't there.

She slid down the refrigerator in frustration making crying noises.

While the taunting and victorious laugh of Jungwon was heard from the lounge.

"I'm so hungry~" She just sat there thinking of what to do.

She kept sitting there regretting life choices "I should've jumped off the roof instead of marrying this dumbshit"

"What?!" They sound of Jungwon made her whip her head at him.

"I'm such a cool husband and you still don't like me?" He acted hurt.

"A cool husband who barely ever devotes time to help and eats everything in the house" she deadpanned.

That made him shut up.

"Well get aside, might as well get ready" she stood up and walked away.

But Jungwon held her arm passing a chocolate bar to her.

"Dont die of hunger" he said then walked away.

"Tch, piece of shit" she took the bar and walked away.

After eating her chocolate, she stood infront of her mirror to do her makeup.

Going for light tones and natural makeup.

Letting her straight hair loose behind her back.

She went for her dress after wards.

She went for her dress after wards

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